Giving My Heart Away Part 2

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My right leg was moving up and down anxiously as I waited for Kaitlyn and Emma to show up. It wasn't long until I heard their usually chatter coming from behind me.

"Fin-a fuckin-lly you guys decide to show up!!"

"We passed by the gym for a little bit to see uh the... Equipment..." Kaitlyn said grinning, looking at her feet.

"Yeah I bet you liked the treadmill's hot ass abs Katy" I say rolling my eyes.

"But ANYWAY, I may have done something  bit out of the ordinary... Hehe"

"Did you grow balls? About time bitch, I'm happy for you!!" Emma's sarcastic ass said while clapping.

"Hardy har. But I may have made out with someone..." The thought of Sean's lips still lingering in my mind.

Meanwhile Kaitlyn just about fell off her seat and Emma choked on her Cappuccino.




Both of them were barking at me, I just had to laugh.

"THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER!!" Kaitlyn exclaimed, gripping the edge of the table.

"His name's Sean. He's probably one of the most gorgeous men I've ever seen. I can feel my heart practically tremble when he looks at me. Plus his lips are like two soft little plump cherries haha."

"AAAAWWWWWWWWWW OH MY GOOSSSHHHHHH" The two girls say in unison.

"WAIT RIGHT HERE I NEED TO GET US SOME MORE DRINKS. Then you can tell us more about your luuvveerr" Kaitlyn fluttered away inside the shop.

I put my chin in my hands and smiled at Emma.

"You look pretty hung up, is he really as good as you say he is?"

"I think so. He seemed pretty sincere when he told me how much he wanted me."

"Thats the thing Jason, you have to be careful. He could easily just want you for a good fuck, then throw you aside for another victim."

Emma had pure concern on her face. She never wanted anything bad happening to me.

"I get what you're saying. I won't rush into anything."

"Bitch you basically mouth fucked him like half an hour ago!"

We both laughed hysterically. Once I could catch my breath I said,

"Alright alright. No sex OR making out until I get to know him as a person more, I promise... Maybe a few kisses but that's it!"

"Good, I agree. Plus he needs to get through Kaitlyn and I to get approval, so expect having lunch with all of us soon!"

"She's right, I don't want you oodling and canoodling with a potential rapist or gang member!" Kaitlyn chimed in, walking towards the table with our lattes.

"Hahaha yes of course." I said. I'll never get over how lucky I am to have these two in my life.

We spent the next few hours exploring the whole campus, then we saw a movie before retiring to our dorms. I was tired, my feet were killing me, and it took almost forever to unlock my door. Once I finally put the card in the slot the right way, I heard a faint click, and opened the door.

There in his sweatpants only, was Sean. It took all my strength not to stare at the front of his pants, and I say,

"Heyy you."

"Hi babe, had long day? I can tell you look pretty exhausted" he moved closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders, "I can give you a lil rub down... Make you feel better?"

Reluctantly, I took his hands off my shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Look, I don't want to be 'fuck and flee' case, alright? I actually really like you, and if you don't feel the same, please don't touch me like you do."

"What? Oh no, of course I like you Jason! I just thought you liked the sexy playfulness, thats all!"

"Oh well...shit I do! Haha, but I just think we should take things slowly and get to know each other better, yuh know?"

"I'm on board with anything you want hun, I just want to be with you." Sean said while pulling my chin up with his fingertips, giving me a quick but caring peck on the lips.

God, it'll be hard not jumping on this guys dick anytime soon.

To be continued...

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