Giving My Heart Away Part 10

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               **Sean's POV**

I don't know what to do anymore... I don't think he'll ever hear me out.

Maybe just one more time, one more call. And if he doesn't pick up this time, I'll know if I've lost him.

My heart was beating rapidly as if I haven't said this to myself fifty times before. I was on Jason's bed hugging his pillow, only wishing it was him wrapped in my arms.

God this has gotten out of control, but I guess I'm to blame for that.

I got out my iPhone and went to my "recently called", Jason obviously being the first one on the list. I took a deep, shaky breath, and pressed call.

Seconds passed and the only thing I could hear was the buzz of the phone and the thumping in my chest. All of sudden, there was a tiny click, and Jason's shaky voice spoke.

"Oh--uh--um h-hey, hi."

I was in pure shock. He actually answered me, and it took many moments before I was able to speak.

"... Helllloo?? See Kaitlyn? Nobody's home whoops--"


There was a small gasp.

"Sean... Hey I-I've missed you."

I could tell he was trying to choke back a sob, I KNEW I hadn't lost him, not this time.

"I've missed you too baby, so SO much. You haven't returned any of my calls..."

"I know... I'm sorry, i just wasn't sure what to say to you. Now that I've really thought about it, I didn't really have the evidence to accuse you of anything..."

"Look, I don't blame you. What I did was extremely stupid and childish, and just plain selfish. I wanted you all to myself and I thought that dumb plan would somehow make that happen. But Jason listen to me when I say this, I NEED you to hear it. I DIDN'T kiss Tom. In no world would I take such a risk of losing you. You are worth way more than that and you deserve more than that. I made a promise to Emma and Kaitlyn and it was and still is my first priority. I just need you to give me another chance... Please."

Silence followed for a little bit and my palms began to get a bit sweaty.

Cmon Jason just one day with you, just one.

A small chuckle came from the other end, followed by a simple,



"Jason I promise, you won't regret it. I'll see you Tuesday?"

"Aren't you in Fresno till Friday?"

"Oh..ah.. No. I didn't go. I wasn't going anywhere without you with me..." I couldn't help but blush at my own words. It was embarrassing but the truth. I wasn't going to have fun without my love by my side.

"Oh.. Haha. If we're being honest, I have to admit it hasn't been so easy here when you're the only thing on my mind."

He still cares... Gosh I love him, I love him...

"I love you, Jason."

"Oh mah gaaaaad"

"Sshh! Kaitlyn hush! Um... I uh.. I lo--"

"Hahaha you don't have to say it back. You have all the time you need, I just want you to know always. I'll see you soon." I say, already counting the days until I see his face.

"Yeah, of course, thank you... See you soon baby. Bye."


And with a click, the call disconnected. I dropped my head back onto the pillow with a sigh of relief and giddiness.


To Be Continued...

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