Giving My Heart Away Part 6

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              ~~Sean's POV~~


That wasn't supposed to happen what the hell, no!

I got up and made my way to the door to try and catch Jason but Tom pulled me back.

"Are you serious? You can't possibly WANT that guy, he's such a baby. Now me... I'm mature. I can give you what you want, Sean."

"I don't give a fuck about what you can deliver. Jason's worth more than your STD infested ass!" I say and barge out the door.

Every nook and cranny of the residence hall I searched for him. If he left the building, he'd be long gone by now.

What have I done? That wasn't what was supposed to happen at all! He should have seen Tom all over me, gotten jealous, then change his mind and come to Fresno with me.

Now that I think of it, It was a pretty stupid plan. I didn't expect Tom to be so... cooperative. I should have just had a conversation with him and work things out instead of causing this mess.

I took my phone out of my pocket and called Jason's phone. No answer.

"Leave a message at the beep peeps" his automatic voicemail said, god he's adorable.

"Jason listen to me please. You know how I feel about you and that I would never want to hurt you. I was so stupid to do that  to you. I love spending time with you, you're the best boyfriend a man could ask for... Thats why I was so upset that your friends were coming down, I wanted show yo--"

"Message time limit reached. "

Fuck my life. I need to find Jason now. And I know exactly who to go to first.


     ~~Emma's POV~~

Finally! We've been studying for hours! Now I can have this girl under my sheets.

Grace kissed her way down my neck and onto my chest. She reached behind me to unhinge my bra when my phone started to ring.


"Emma! Jason's a mess, Sean did something, I don't know what!" Kaitlyn explained through the phone.

Oh my god...

"I'm coming now, where are you?"

"Closer than yuh think!"

The door swung open and Kaitlyn walked in with Jason around her arm. He looked terrible... That asshole fucking swore he wouldn't hurt Jason.

"Hey, I'll let you deal with this, I can tell its important" Grace said. She gave me a kiss and left.

Now I have two reasons to kick that bastards ass. Jason's eyes were extremely puffy, and his nose was ruby red. But he seemed to have calmed down and was ready to talk.

"Alright, spill." I say, Kaitlyn and I sitting across from him on my bed.

As the story progressed, I got even madder and madder. What the fuck is wrong with that guy? Of all things to do? I guess I didn't spend enough time evaluating that little shit.

"I'm gunna kick his ass."

"No you're not. The last thing we need is drama. Thats what we left behind in highschool right?" Jason said. I'm proud of how he's handling it, but I can tell he's still in pieces. That's what pisses me off.

"Jason that doesn't matter when it comes to stuff like this. You would say the same if this happened to Kaitlyn or me. He needs to be put into place... Ugh I can't believe that fucktard did that."

"That fucktard can explain..."

We all turned around to see Sean standing in the doorway, looking out of breath and guilty.

"Well look at that, I get to kick his ass earlier than I thought, wonderful."

To be continued...

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