Giving My Heart Away Part 1

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"You guys ready?" I said witth a nervous sigh. Emma and Kaitlyn were practically bouncing on their passenger seats. Ever since freshman year of high school, we've been longing to start out our lives as adults in California. "Let's fuckin do this shit bitches!" Emma yelled, startling several people around us.

She'd always been the most extroverted person in the group. Kaitlyn was still restless and giggling, the thought of having a better chance of touching Justin Bieber made her this way the moment we boarded. We called ourselves the "Unholy Trinity," Emma being bisexual, Kaitlyn being straight, and me, Jason, being gay. Emma and I knew each other and middle school and met Kaitlyn in highschool. Ever since then we've always been inseperable, the bestest of friends.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" I mumbled as I gathered our bags off the conveyor belt. Going to Stanford was already making me shit bricks, but I had already spotted several hot guys eyeing me. I promised myself school first, no boys. That was hard to do with the sex drive of a fucking rabbit. Kaitlyn and Emma were chattering aimlessly while I walked looking at the ground and out the door of the airport. The chilly air felt good and calmed me down, enough to finally let me smile. I was here at last. The drive from LAX to Stanford took hours in LA traffic, but once we got there, it was worth the wait. The campus was beautiful, large trees, colorful plants, the school buildings looked out of this world. Best of all, the ground were crawling with hundreds of tall dark and handsomes.

"Jason you're getting laid tonight, just saying." Kaitlyn said with a sly smile.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because we've been walking for only two minutes and i've already caught a few guys staring at you, bitch!"

"Oh shut the fuck up" I say, rolling my eyes. "Not every guy here is gay, and trust me, quite a few guys have stopped to look at you two gorgeous little shits!"

"Well Kaitlyn does have big boobs and I got some killer eyes, if I say so myself" Emma says with a fake basic hairflip.

"You guys are a trip" I say while making my way to the registration office at the boys dorm. "I'll see you guys in a bit."


Room 25B. sounds pretty promising. I walked through the residence hall, rolling my cart with the three tons of shit I regretted bringing. Thank god for elevators, because I was on the fifth floor. With a sharp BING the door slid open, and my knees turned to jello. It was like nobody owned a shirt around here. Boys upon boys of every color and origin flooded the halls, getting their rooms in order and getting aquainted with their roommates.

"Excuse me... haha... Scuuuuze me." I could feel myself blushing as I walked passed the hoards of testosterone. I jerked forward when my cart collided with another one in front of me.

"OH MY GOSH, I am so sorry, that was my fault man." I said, kicking myself for not keeping it cool. The guy at the other end chuckled and stepped out from behind his towering cart of bags. A man with dark tan skin and piercing bluish grey eyes stood in front me. He licked his cherry red lips and smiled a smile that could strip you naked in a second.

"It's okay, I wasn't watching where I was going either. You okay, cutie?" He said with a wink.

"Uhmm uh wha.. Umm um" did he just call me a cutie? Did this man from the heavens above just indicate he thinks I'm attractive cuz if so then FUCK YES.

"Haha, I'm Sean by the way."

"Jason... You looking for your room too?"

"Yeah and I just found it actually, 25B."

Holy shit. "Wow what a coincidence, I'm here too, haha."

"Really? That's perfect, I found my hot roommate and my dormroom at the same time."

This guy must be playing with me. We rolled our carts inside the fairly large room for two. An hour of silence and shy glances passed by, we had finally filled our chest of drawers and decorated or sides of the room accordingly. We both sat on our beds and looked at each other, then bust out laughing. I didn't know what was funny, and I'm pretty sure he didn't either, but it was a cute moment.

"So... Tell me about yourself roomie," I say with a mischievous smile.

Sean laughed and said, "Well my name's Sean Montgomery. I've lived in Stanford, California, my whole life. I like surfing and hiking and listening to music. And most of all, I'm liking a guy named Jason have you seen him?"

Am I fucking dreaming or did this dude just say that? I swear it's like the guy's words alone make you jiz in your pants.

"Haha... I'm not sure, I'll definitely keep an eye out for him, though." I say with a wink.

"Perfect. Now please, tell me about yourself."

"Okay, my name is Jason Charles. I love to dance, listen to music, and hang out with my friends. Oh yeah there's also this gorgeous guy named Sean somewhere around here, I think I wanna fuck him"

"Oh haha wow cool."

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME WHAT KIND OF-- Well thats it. I just ended it before things even started. Nice going Jason.

"Well nice to meet you, I think I'll do the honors and request a new room." I say with grief. Feeling like an ass, I dragged myself to the door only to be pulled back, into a warm and firm chest.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Sean says with a heartwarming laugh. He turned me by my shoulders to face him and licked his lips.

"I'm glad I don't have to wait long at all to get what I want." He said with his eyes full if hunger.

Shyness completely left my body once I was pressed up against him, I was keen on getting what I wanted too.

"Oh? And what's that?" I say while inching my face to his. He places his hands securely on my ass and pulled me into him. Our lips were like perfect puzzle pieces, tongues wrestling with each other. After several minutes of panting and grinding, I managed to part our bodies.

"As much as I REALLY want to keep kissing you, among other things, I have to meet my friends for lunch or they'll kill me!" I say reluctantly.

"Oh that's no problem. You're my roommate remember? I'll just have you for dinner."

Completely dazzled by what he said and his face in general caused me to promptly walk straight into the door.

"Did that on purpose haha.." I said, and quickly rushed out the door.

Shuffling through the walls of testosterone in the hallway, I called up Kaitlyn.

"Hey Katy, you and Emma meet at the Dunkin D's outside the hall now! I've got shit to spill already!"

To be continued...

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