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The next day Mr and Mrs Min came to the mansion they were welcome by their in laws as their sons went to work..they were having a short conversation when Mr and Mrs Jung also arrived..

Mrs Jung: Hello everyone...

Mr Jung: What's up Ladies and gentlemen...

They than noticed Mr and Mrs Min..

Mr Jung bowed a bit: Oh mianhe didn't noticed you.. Annyeonghasaeyo..

Mrs jung: Annyeonghasaeyo..

Mr and Mrs min also bowed and responded..

Mr Jung: Myself Jung Y/n I'm hobi's dad...

Mrs Jung: I'm Jung Sana hoseoks eomma..

Mrs min: Nice to meet you I'm Min Mina..

Mr min: I'm Min Miho..

They all sat down and started talking...

Mr Min: By the way do you all torture your husbands..?you know don't..I know the pain of being tortured by your spouse..

Mrs min: Shut up..
She hit his shoulder..

Mr Jung: Oh Nado I also get tortured by my wife.. Miho...

Mr Min: really woah let's be friends..

Mrs Min and Mrs Jung smiled at each other and shake hands..

Mrs min: Friends..?

Mrs Jung: Best friends..

They all talked and had fun all the day smiling and talking...they even came to knew that how Caring the four brothers keep four unknown people at home...Mr and Mrs Min were Happy to hear about what good things their sons do and all...

At night dinner..

They all had their dinner while min brothers ignoring their parents and focusing on eating while the bottoms were busy talking and laughing..with their eomma's and appa's..(Mr and Mrs Min,Mr and Mrs Jung)internally the brothers were happy too that their family looks completed but not ready to forgive their parents that easily...


Yøøngi: Hoba how was the day..?

Hobi: Great.. eomma's and appa's are friends now the whole day was so fun appa's telling us their love story and telling that they regretted after marriage cause Eomma's weren't as sweet as they looked..

He said laughing which made Yøøngi happy too..

Yøøngi: You are so sweet Hoba..

Hobi: and I know that you are too..Mr hubby so forgive them soon please cause when our babies come I want our family to be happy and normal like others are no one being upset to anyone just Happy family...

Yøøngi: We will as soon as possible for our kids happiness..

Hobi: I love you Yoonie..

Yøøngi: Love you too..let's sleep now it's good for our babies..and us too k..

Hobi nodded and went to sleep while hugging Yøøngi..

The others also told their hubby's the same thing..

The next day..

The bottoms ,Mr and Mrs min were waiting for the brothers for breakfast..

Yøøngi: Good morning everyone morning Mom Dad..

Jk: Morning everyone and mom Dad..

Joon and jimin did the same everyone was shocked except the bottoms they were very happy that their husbands are forgiving their parents..

They all sat down and had breakfast while talking..

The same night..

Jímíñ and jk got in Mr and Mrs mins room..and comfortably layed their head on Mina's lap..

Jímíñ: Massage our head please mom..

Mina nodded with a smile...

Nãmjøōn and Yøøngi also came in and comfortably layed their head on Miho's lap..

Yøøngi: Massage our head please Dad..

Miho did...

Min brothers: we forgave you..

Mr and Mrs min couldn't even believe their own eyes..

Miho: really,.?

Yøøngi: Yes appa..

Mina: thank you so much kids and sorry...

Joon: No need to be it's ok..

They slept in the same room that night...

Hey lovely readers now this FF is also soon coming to an end and thanks for supporting..till now...

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