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Niall's POV

I took him out of the living room and carried him upstairs, the setting of the living room clearly putting him on edge.

"Hey baby, you're okay, daddies got you, you're fine sweetie pie!" I cooed, walking up and down the hallways with him on my hip, as his sobs died down until all I could hear was sniffles and the odd hitch in his breath.

"You okay now baby? Did it just scare you sweetheart?"

He nodded pitifully, his head leaning heavily on my shoulder.

"Do you want a paci baby? Or a -" I was cut off by a tiny noise from the boy, which I couldn't really make out.

"What was that sweetheart? Daddy can't hear you" I asked him again.

I gained a muffled whine in resoonse, before he told me,

"Wuined chrissymas daddy!"

He burst into tears again, and how he was still crying was absolutely beyond me.

"No no darling, I'm sure whatever happened was an accident yeah? We can put the tree straight back up!"

"My fault, my fault! M'so bad!" Louis sobbed into my shoulder.

"You're not bad sweetie, you're such a good boy" I reassured him, rubbing his back in what I hoped was at least a bit comforting.

"Wanted blue next t..to pretty pink one, but was tall and then it was moving and then no tree" He told me, which took me a minute to try and work out what had happened. His speech pattern had really changed the last couple of days, making much less sense than usual.

"Well, you shouldn't have tried without one of us there but it's not your fault baby, accidents happen yeah? Nobody's mad at you." I promised, but he shook his head.

"Santa be mad at me, no presents again, bad Louis" He whimpered, proceeding to absolutely break my heart.

"No way darling! You're such a good boy for us, and Santa definitely thinks so, daddy will explain what happened, don't worry!" I told him, as if I could run straight to the North Pole and explain the situation.

But that had me thinking, with how upset Louis was, maybe a little reassurance from Santa would be a good thing? After all it was December, there was a  'Santa' practically in every shopping centre.

"Daddy tell Santa Louis good?" He asked, looking up at me hopefully, the little twinkle back in his eyes again.

"Absolutely, but I'm sure he already knows."

"But tell him just in case?" Louis checked, wiping his face with his sleeve, making me grimace. He was looking at me hopefully, wide blue eyes peering into mine.

"Definitely." I promised, walking him into the nursery to grab a wipe for his face.

I gently cleaned his face, kissing both of his cheeks after I'd finished, making him giggle.

"Ready to go back downstairs?" I asked, surprised when he shook his head.

"Wet daddy." He informed me, as I opened my mouth to ask.

"Well that's no good!" I gasped dramatically, carrying him over to the changing table, and making quick work of stripping him down and cleaning him up.

"Ready freddy?" I asked, to which he stared at me, confused.

"Who Fweddy?"

I laughed at that, the confusion evident on his cute little face.

"It's just an expression baby, don't worry about it." I told him, scooping him up and walking back downstairs with him, hoping that in the time we'd been gone my, occasionally sort of idiotic, boyfriends would have had the common sense to clean the living room up a bit.

Heads up for some fluff between the boys in the next chapter :)

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now