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"I know you're having fun darling, but daddy just needs to put some more suncream on you!" Harry told Louis, who was now upset at having to stop building his sandcastles.

"But, but, but daddy look!" Louis whined, pointing to his sandcastle.

All four of them had helped show Louis how to make them, and he was instantly mesmerised. The others had decided on a swim after a while, with Harry keeping an eye on Louis at their little set-up on the beach. Louis had still seemed a bit too nervous to want to go in the sea, so had stayed back with Harry. He was quite content just getting his bearings and enjoying the beach with his daddies.

"It'll still be there in a minute baby" Harry promised him, as Louis pouted at having to stop building his sandcastle while Harry covered him in suncream again. They couldn't have their boy getting sunburnt after all!

They were practically making a sand village at this point, after Niall had bought each of them a bucket and spade set. Louis had seemed a little reluctant to do it on his own, but as soon as Niall had grabbed them all a set each, he dug straight in, his anxiety clearly melting away.

Louis was having fun picking out the shells too, giving all of his favourites to Harry so he could keep them safe, and take them home. They had quite a collection going, and Harry was starting to run out of pockets and spare buckets to put them in. Plus he barely dared move in case he broke one.

"Daddy look!" Louis squealed, pulling on Harry's sleeve as he pointed to the sea with his other hand, dropping a shell in his excitement.

He could see his other daddies swimming, as they were sat fairly close to the tide, and Louis was in awe. Considering he'd never been to the beach before, they could see the wonder and amazement in his eyes at every new thing, which was absolutely lovely to witness.

"Can you see your daddies? Oh just look at daddy Zayn being silly!" Harry laughed, as Zayn dunked Liam under, making Louis gasp.

"Daddy Li" Louis whimpered, when he saw Liam's head go underwater.

"Oh darling he's fine don't worry, they're just playing!" Harry promised him, seeing the worry evident in Louis' face.

"Do you want to go up and check on daddy?" Harry asked cautiously, knowing Louis was a little scared of the ocean still, and was keeping his distance.

"Don't know daddy" Louis mumbled, curling himself into Harry's side and under his arm, as he often did when he was scared or worried.

"You know though Lou, I have these super awesome floaties to keep you safe if you did want to go in! And I'll stay right by your side" Harry promised, sensing his curiosity peaking.

Harry showed him the floaties they'd bought him earlier that day, which were cute little armbands with Nemo characters on, and a similar swim ring for round his stomach.

Louis poked the armband, for no reason that Harry could understand, before nodding, wanting to try the ocean. He seemed a lot more excited after seeing the armbands, trying to shove his foot through one of them, pouting when it didn't go on.

"Here baby, let daddy just fix it slightly." Harry tried to stifle a laugh, as he made sure the armbands were in place properly. On his arms. Not his feet.

"There we go sunshine! Okay, you hold onto this and daddy will carry you in", Harry told Louis, passing him the swim ring to hold as he walked them down to the others.

Liam had seen them heading over, and started walking out towards them, hair glistening from the water.

Louis squealed, having missed him of course! Reaching his hands out to Liam, he dropped the float on the floor in his excitement, wanting a cuddle. Harry smiled, leaving the two to their moment as he grabbed it, happy to see Louis so carefree in his littlespace, evident in his much more clumsy, childlike actions.

"Is my big brave boy coming in to the sea?" Liam asked animatedly as Louis agreed, gripping onto Liam's shoulders tightly as Liam walked them in.

"Cold daddy! Cold, cold, cold!" Louis shrieked as the water reached him, wrapping his legs tightly round Liams waist at the feeling.

"Are you a little drama king today then, hm?" Liam laughed, used to the temperature as he'd been out for a while.

"No daddy!" Louis squealed, as Liam splashed him gently, trying to accustom him to the water, as it was only up to Liams waist, and the tips of Louis toes in the funny position he'd put himself in to avoid it.

"Look at the big wave Lou!" Niall pointed out, him and Zayn having made their way over when they'd heard their boy giggling.

Liam held him up slightly, and Louis enjoyed the feeling of the water, now he was gradually getting used to it.

After his initial nerves, Louis had a great time with his daddies, loving the big waves that hit him.

After a few hours of fun, in which they'd bought a beach ball for Louis too, he was clearly exhausted, and Zayn carried him over to the towels.

"H will you just hold this up for me?" Zayn asked, handing Harry a large towel.

They had to improvise, seeing as the public toilets weren't exactly catered for littles. The beach they'd found was really quiet anyways, there were only a few other families about so it wasn't really an issue.

Harry was holding up the large towel to shield Louis from view, as Zayn layed him down, and started to change him out of his swim diaper.

They'd forgotten the things actually existed, until the helpful suggestion from Paul, when they'd told him of their plans for the week.

Louis rolled over a few times on the towel, making Zayn laugh at the view he and Harry were getting from their cheeky boy.

Zayn finished up pretty quickly, before rinsing Louis' hands with some clean water and rubbing them dry, knowing Louis hated having messy hands. As they'd found out when his ice cream had melted, and he'd gotten very upset at his sticky hand.

It was getting fairly late by now, the afternoon just flying by, and Louis was absolutely exhausted.

They'd been planning to stay for dinner, and watch the sunset, but plans changed when you had a little!

Zayn stayed on the beach with Louis, relaxing and watching the sea, as Harry, Liam and Niall went to grab dinner, of fish and chips of course.

Louis was practically asleep by the time they got back, completely relaxed on Zayns lap, content sucking on his Cinderella dummy.

There were quite a few things they hadn't had chance to do, like walk down the promenade and check out the tourist shops, hire a speedboat (for Harry and Zayn), or go on the carousel.

But their day had been absolutely perfect, and as they lugged everything back to the car and set off home, they just hoped they could fit more days like this into their schedule, and enjoy this quality time together.

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now