Extra - Halloween Part 2

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"But it's wonky!" Louis whined, pointing to the eyes on his pumpkin.

He'd done a really good job at carving his own pumpkin, with Niall's help. Niall had let him do the second eye by himself, and while it wasn't perfect, it was a brilliant first attempt. Louis just lacked confidence in himself, needing a little encouragement from his daddies about his abilities.

"It looks lovely sweetheart, better than Daddy Ni's for sure!" Zayn told him, smirking at Niall's pout.

"Really?" Louis asked dubiously, still staring at the grinning face of his pumpkin.

"Absolutely." Zayn promised, coaxing a smile out of Louis.

"Daddy look how good my pumpykim looks!" Louis pulled on Liam's sleeve to get his attention, as if he hadn't just witnessed the conversation.

"Very good Lou" Liam confirmed, a bemused smile creeping onto his face.

"Ready for this Lou? Close your eyes!" Harry exclaimed, putting his hand over Louis' eyes so he wouldn't peek.

Zayn grabbed his lighter, placing a small candle votive into the pumpkin to light it up.

Just to entertain Louis, he said a few random words, hoping to impress Louis with a 'spell'.

"Hocus Pocus, oh scary pumpkin. One, two, three, incendio!" Zayn declared in a spooky voice.

Harry removed his hand, allowing Louis to see the now lit pumpkin from Zayns spell (or his lighter, dependent on which you believe is more fun).

"DADDY DID A MAGIC!" Louis screeched, putting his face close to the pumpkin, to see the light for himself. Close enough that Liam gently pulled him away concerned, after all, it wouldn't do to play with fire!

"Daddy magic!" Louis repeated, clambering over onto Zayns lap, peering up into his face.

"How do daddy?"

"It's a secret Lou, now be a good boy and go get dressed or daddy will turn you into a proper pumpkin!" Zayn warned him, making Louis shriek and run upstairs laughing. Niall following close behind to help him change.

"Really Z? The poor boy will have nightmares!" Harry scolded him, flicking the end of his nose.

"Nah he'll be fine" Zayn replied, swatting Harry's hand away whilst he glared at him.

"If he does you'll be getting up and dealing with him." Harry promised, making Zayn roll his eyes, and Liam let out a loud laugh.

"You really think he'll wake up and actually get straight up? Give him an hour maybe Haz, then he might!" Liam joked, knowing Zayn was absolutely horrendous in the mornings.

"Harry!" They heard Niall yell from upstairs, making Harry groan dramatically as he got up, stretching his legs, before heading upstairs.

Harry said he'd do a little face paint and makeup for Louis, knowing the boys wanted to go all out this Halloween, and make it an occasion to remember.

It didn't take too long for them to get Louis dressed and sorted - their teamwork working wonders.

It was a lovely purple and green costume he'd picked out, and they'd found some pointy black boots and a witches set for him to wear, which included a nose and hat.

It was only about half 4, but they wanted to go a little earlier for trick or treating. Louis would tire out quickly, and with the ever earlier dark nights, they didn't want him out too late.

They'd all decided to go with him, you never know when you'd need a backup daddy!

Niall and Harry would presumably already have changed upstairs while helping Louis, leaving Zayn and Liam to get their costumes on. They decided to go as winnie the pooh costumes, something nice and easy as they just needed to buy a onesie each and facepaint.

Harry was going as Tigger, Zayn as Eeyore, Liam as Piglet, and Niall as Pooh Bear. There'd been a fair few arguments over who should go as who, but they'd ended up letting Louis decide, and stuck with that.

Speaking of Louis, about ten minutes later, he came downstairs, a witch carried on Pooh Bears hip, to show off his outfit.

"Louis look at you! Wow you make a terrifying witch!" Liam gasped, Louis blushing slightly and burying his face in Niall's neck. Niall grimacing at the face paint that would no doubt now be stained on him.

"Ready to go treating daddy." Louis told Liam, making him smile.

"No tricks?"

"No daddy, I already did a trick today!"

At that, all the guys looked at each other in concern.

"What trick did you do Louis?" Liam asked cautiously, watching Louis shrug and fiddle with his fake nose.

"Dunno, secret daddy but then I forgotsies"

"You tried to keep it a secret but now you've forgotten what you did?" Zayn clarified.

"Yeah daddy, can we go now?" Louis asked impatiently.

"No more tricks Louis okay. And if you remember make sure you tell one of us yeah?" Harry told him firmly, Louis nodding easily in agreement.

"Okay daddy, we go now?"

And so with that they set off. There was no point trying to work out what Louis' trick was, or tell him off when they didn't know what it was yet. They just had to hope that it wasn't anything too naughty, and wouldn't be a big mess to clean up.

The joys of Halloween!


Sorry its late, though only a day this time, so not too bad!

Hope you enjoyed it :)

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