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Niall's POV: 

Waking up this morning, the sun was painstakingly bright, and I tried to hide under Zayn's arm for another few minutes, before I'd have to face the day.

Except my night time cuddle buddy was gone! 

I opened my eyes, seeing Liam and Harry still asleep, and the other side of the bed wrinkled, but cold, where Zayn usually slept - which was really odd seeing as he was usually the last awake out of all of us. 

I forced myself to get up and threw on some slippers and the closest shirt, probably Harry's if the random flamingo on the front was anything to go by - he had a very ... unique ... fashion sense. 

Wandering into Louis' nursery, my heart nearly stopped seeing the empty crib, before immediately realising Zayn was up and probably entertaining him - my brain was not working this early. 

And downstairs I was met with the most adorable sight of a teeny tiny Louis curled up on Zayn's chest, covered by a heap of blankets. His face poked out the top, sucking slowly on his  dummy, his head rising and falling in time with Zayn's breathing, who was also out for the count. 

Zayn must have sensed he was being stared at, as he slowly woke up, smirking as he saw me struggling to hold it together at the adorableness. I helped him shift Louis carefully, readjusting his blankets and grabbing the closet pillow for him, as Zee stretched and stumbled into the kitchen - straight to the coffee pot! 

"How long have you been down here with him babe?" I asked him quietly, hugging him from behind as he yawned loudly. I peered into the living room, but Lou hadn't stirred. 

"Feels like all bloody night!" He replied, groaning when he dropped a teaspoon as he tried making a coffee. 

"Louis woke me up crying, poor babe had an upset stomach, and I think it got on the sheets so  I couldn't put him back in." Zayn continued, "I'll have to go air it out later, when I'm not half asleep." 

"Aw no my poor baby!" I gasped, hating the thought of him being ill, and the thought of Zayn trying to deal with it on his own all night. 

"Look just go back to bed okay, I'm down here to keep an eye on him, and I'm sure Li will be up soon."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not! I'll tell the others to keep it down so we don't wake you love,  just get some rest yeah?" I told him as he nodded reluctantly, giving Louis a kiss on his forehead before he wandered back upstairs slowly. 

I had a few cups of tea, sat on the couch next to Louis replying to emails and the like, before Liam and Harry finally made an appearance. Louis hadn't woken, he'd  moved around a few times, making me jump but he was clearly exhausted. 

"Morning Nialler!" Harry greeted, rather loudly, immediately waking Louis, who looked around blearily, before bursting into tears. 

"Really Harry?" I scolded, scooping Louis up and trying to soothe his cries. 

Liam rushed straight over, asking me what had happened, and I explained the issues Zayn had had with him in the night. He grabbed a thermometer from somewhere in the kitchen - I didn't have a clue where that thing was kept, and helped me try to calm Louis down. 

He'd settled enough for Liam to, rather unceremoniously, press the thermometer under his tongue as he wriggled around, crying again at the intrusion. He held it in there until it beeped, before showing me the screen - over 100 definitely looked bad, which Liam clearly thought too.  

"Geez he's ill, I'll call the doctor in a minute, do you want to try give him some water Ni?" Liam asked me, as he walked back into the kitchen, rinsing the thermometer in the sink. 

Harry brought me a bottle in, and all three of us tried, to no avail, to give him something to drink. The poor baby didn't want anything, and cried harder whenever I brushed it against his lips. 

After finally getting through to a doctor, a half hour later or so, he recommended giving him milk, as that's what he was used to, and call him back in a few hours if we had no success, for a 'little - tailored' solution. 

We stopped trying to give him something to drink for a bit, he clearly didn't want anything, and his cries were breaking my heart. He kept mumbling "want daddy" or "no" between cries, he was inconsolable. 

All we could do was reassure him his daddies were here, and try to calm him down.

Something, probably the bottle, was just making him more upset, and I needed him to stop crying, for his sake and my ears!

"I know sweetie, daddys here and we'll have you better in no time angel!" I cooed, kissing his warm cheeks, trying to cheer him up slightly. 

Surprisingly, after a few moments of me pulling faces at him, trying to make him laugh, he stopped crying. A smile spread across his shiny red cheeks as he stretched his hands out, peering over my shoulder.

Turning round with him in my arms, I saw Zayn stood behind me, walking towards us.

Of course, he just wanted his daddy Zayn! It made sense, seeing as Zee had been up all night with him.

Not that I wasn't slightly offended Louis didn't want me ...

But at least his crying had finally stopped! Though it was strange he only wanted Zayn, he'd never really shown a preference to just one of us in his little space - his illness must just be making him a little more clingy.

"Sorry Zayn, did he wake you? We couldn't calm him down, looks like he just wanted his favourite daddy." Liam greeted, rubbing his temples, from the headache Louis had caused most likely.

At least it wasn't just me feeling a little jealous though!

"It's alright Li, but if you could make me a coffee babe?" Zayn asked, stifling a yawn as he rocked Louis in his arms.

"Only because its you!"

A long chapter for a long overdue update! Writing something a bit different in the next chapter, so I'm not too sure how that's gonna go!!

Thanks for the prompt @lillianbogart - set it up in this one and will carry on in the next.

Hope everyone's doing okay, stay safe :)

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