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That night, it had taken a lot of convincing to get Louis into bed, only slightly short of bribery.

They'd tried bottles, stories, cuddles, nothing had seemed to work!

Each of the boys had given it a shot, trying to keep it nice and calm, until he was sleepy enough to be left in his nursery.

Unfortunately Louis was wide awake hours after his bedtime, and was starting to get fussy from his evident tiredness.

Eventually Harry had let Louis into his bed, playing with his hair and singing little things softly to him until he'd finally fallen asleep.

Then it was all hands on deck to try and get the decorations sorted! The boys had spared no expense, knowing they had a fair few birthdays to make up for, and wanting his first holiday season with them to be perfect.

The living room and kitchen was covered in balloons and banners, most on the walls apart from a few laying on the floor for him to play with.

Liam had laid all his presents out, seperate to the ones under the tree, wanting to keep his birthday and Christmas separate where possible.

They'd gone for a pastel colour theme, with the presents all in pale blue wrapping with pastel pink bows, knowing that Louis liked both colours pretty much the same.

It hadn't taken as long as they were expecting to finish up, giving them all chance to watch a movie before bed, and catch up with each other.

Ever since their little addition to the family, they hadn't had as much alone time together, or had chance to see their families.

After a lengthy conversation, they had decided not to see their relatives this Christmas, and wait until after New Years instead.

They knew it was important Louis meet them, and build more relationships, but also knew how stressful the holidays could be, wanting him to enjoy his first Christmas with them before worrying about meeting new people. This had been explained to Louis today, but to be honest the boy didn't seem to understand what they were talking about, simply nodding before smiling and asking if he could open a present, a demand which was promptly refused, for the twentieth time that day.

They couldn't blame him, he wasn't used to having so many new ideas sprung on him at once, and his excitement, while contagious, was definitely all he could focus on at the minute.


Louis POV:

"...day, wake up darling,"

It was so nice and warm, and someone was rubbing my tummy which felt super nice.

I blinked my eyes open and all my daddies were in my room. Normally only one comes to get me up though, and then I remembered it was a special day today!

I smiled, and closed my eyes again, stretching my toes into my soft, comfy blanket and hugging ru ru.

Daddy kept rubbing my tummy, and he waited till I woke up a little bit more before he picked me up.

I whined at having to leave my nice warm bed, but settled for plopping my head down on daddys shoulder, daddy Z was nice and warm anyways.

"No little one, you can't go back to sleep, wake up for me babes."

I tried to tell him I wasn't sleeping, just resting, but I don't think it came out right because daddy just laughed and kept moving around, making me wake up a bit more.

"But it's your birthday darling! You can go back to sleep a little later on okay?"

He changed my nappy and my onesie while daddy H was talking to me, making me wake up, even though I was so tired. But he told me I had presents! And pancakes which daddy Ni seemed very very happy about.

"What do you want to wear lovey?"

I just shrugged and let them decide, grumbling as somebody took my thumb out of my mouth. Daddy gave me a dummy though so I guess it wasn't so bad.

"Okay time for breakfast!"

"Nialler chill out, you've already eaten this morning!"

"But this breakfast is better, pancakes Li, pancakes!" Daddy Ni was complaining, making me laugh at everybody's reactions.

"See even Lou wants pancakes, don't you darling! All happy and smiley this morning" He cooed at me, taking me off the changing table when I was dressed.

Daddy put me down, holding out his hand but I shook my head, putting both my arms up for him, I wanted cuddles! Silly daddy.

Daddy grinned at me and picked me up again, making me smile and relax into his cuddly arms.

I was carried all the way down the stairs, and daddy H said I was getting spoiled, but that it was okay because it was my birthday!

"Okay boo, close your eyes, you can't see the living room yet until after your breakfast!"

I grumbled but closed my eyes, peeking oh so slightly until daddy started laughing really loud.

"Close your eyes boo!"

I did, and then somebody put their hands over my eyes, so I couldn't see anything!

I whined and squirmed a bit, trying to get their hands off me, and when they finally finally did I was in the kitchen with the door closed!

I pouted and daddy just kissed my cheek and told me I'd have to wait!

I frowned but daddy Li came and pulled a face at me and tickled me! And then I couldn't really remember why I was upset? It tickled too much to think about!

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now