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Louis POV:

Harry carried me through the door of the doctors, into a reception area. Liam went up to the desk where a lady started talking to him and Harry carried me towards the seats, putting me down next to him.

"Your appointments in about ten minutes babe, want to read a book while we wait?" Liam asked, walking over to us, clearly finished talking with the receptionist.

I shrugged hesitantly, looking around the waiting room, though I wasn't sure what for.

"It'll help you relax love, take your mind off things." Liam told me as he walked towards me with a book in his hand, having picked it up from the children's area.

"Okay, it's called 'The Gruffalo', I'm sure you'll love it!", he told me enthusiastically. Liam placed me on his lap, so his arms were wrapped around me, the book in front of us.

I couldn't deny how comfortable it was, despite the intimacy, and found myself listening to him start the story,

"A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood..."

I jumped when I heard a nurse call my name a couple of minutes later, Liam hugging me closer to him protectively.

"It's okay love, we'll be in and out super fast." Harry told me as he stood up, taking me off of Liam and walking us towards the nurse.

The nurse greeted Harry and Liam as they walked up, and led us away from the waiting area.

Harry carried me easily down the corridors, and I tried to stop myself from clinging onto him so much, but the sounds from behind a couple of the doors scared me more than I'd like to admit.

Harry kissed the top of my head when I flinched at the sound of a large machine starting.

"Don't worry Lou, you've just got a check up, I'll stay with you." He murmured into my ear, and I was embarrassed at how much that statement did actually calm my nerves.

We walked into the doctors room, the nurse opening the door for us and leaving.

"Hello boys I'm Doctor Stone, and we're here for a check up on Louis from what I've been told?"

"Yep that's right, he's not had one in at least a couple of years though, so he's a little shy." Liam told him, acting as if I wasn't right next to him. I felt really awkward hearing him talk for me, but that was barely the start of it.

"Hello Louis!" I cringed at the god awful baby voice he was using toward me, pressing further into Harry. "Don't worry Louis, your daddies will be right here the whole time okay?" I frowned and shook my head firmly.

Not once had they ever referred to themselves as my daddies, but now the doctor had said it I realised that was probably what they were going to be wanting from me.

I opened my mouth to speak but Liam beat me to it,

"Um just Liam and Harry please doctor, we're working on that still." Liam basically confirmed my suspicions of what they were wanting, but stuck in a doctors office that was the least of my concerns at the minute.

"Okay stick your tongue out please Louis, just gonna pop this thermometer in." The doctor, who's name I'd already forgotten, instructed me.

I did as asked, and after a minute or so he informed us it was fine, as well as my blood pressure which he'd taken straight afterwards.

"Can we go then?" I asked impatiently, bored of sitting there in silence as he typed god knows what on the computer.

"In a minute love, almost done, you're being such a good boy for us." Harry cooed at me as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Okay, Liam, if you could just undress him so I can get his height and weight that'd be perfect."

"No way!" I argued instantly as Liam started walking towards me, not wanting them all to see my diaper. Although logically I knew that they were all very aware I was wearing one.

"If you behave you can have ice cream!" Harry instantly replied, making me laugh at the look Liam gave him.

"Harry you can't just bribe him with ice cream!" Liam said, sounding exasperated.

"Make it chocolate and you have yourself a deal." I told him - there was no way I could get out of this and at least I got ice cream out of it!

"Yay!" Harry cheered, as Liam started taking my shoes and jumper off.

"Harry we're having words later." Liam tried to scold him, making me laugh even more.

My very short height was taken, as well as my apparently too low weight. Though I wasn't really surprised seeing as how I wasn't used to eating much.

The doctor signed me off after that, telling us I had another check up in a month or so, and other than that we were free to leave.

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now