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Liam's POV:

It was quite clear Louis was nowhere near his headspace, and we were hoping getting him used to playing would help him slip.

I tried to get his attention mentioning some different games but he really didn't want to know. I carried him into the playroom anyway, deciding I could just choose for him if he was still reluctant.

"Do you want to play dress up? There's tons of costumes in the closet for you love?" I asked, undeterred when all I received was a half shrug again.

"Hmm let's see..." I rifled through the closet, placing Louis on the windowsill next to me.

"A dinosaur?" I showed him the blue onesie but he shook his head, as expected.

"Ooh you could be a dragon, or a super scary monster". Said monster actually looked more adorable than scary though, complete with a hood with googly eyes which I desperately wanted a photo of him in. All in good time I supposed.

I showed him some more outfits, including a wizard, Pikachu and a princess dress which he did linger on for a little longer I'd noticed. I made a mental note to try it again with him in a couple of days, as he'd blushed in embarrassment and refused it today, but would probably be less reluctant in headspace.

"What about a farmer!" I exclaimed, trying to get him excited.

"Okay maybe not then" I mumbled when all l I received in response was an eye roll.

It wasn't surprising he was so quiet today, yesterday would have made him feel really anxious, and he was tired anyway.

I gave up on the outfits after a couple more refusals, by which time I'd gone through nearly half the closet. He wasn't comfortable and forcing things on him was only going to make the situation worse.

Instead, I decided to show him around all the other toys and activities in the room, hoping to spark a bit of interest that way, and hopefully help him feel a little less shy.

Zayn wandered in as I was basically giving him a tour and between us we noticed he seemed quite keen on the drawing and paint materials in one corner, much to Zayns approval. 

"How about you and me try some painting then Lou?" He asked, receiving a timid nod, which was the most we'd gotten out of him since his bath.

It was frustrating to say the least, especially after the brilliant day he'd had yesterday, but we fully understood. It was a complex process he was going through, and it would take a bit of time.

Zayn had nipped out to our walk in wardrobe to grab Lou something so he wouldn't mind getting messy.  As Zayn sorted that out, I fished out the painting supplies, and a lot of paper, making sure the carpet was fully covered under and around the table I'd set it up at, desperately hoping I wouldn't be cleaning paint out of the carpet later. Though if it made Louis happy, it would definitely be worth it.

I turned round to see Zayn grinning at me, following his gaze to see Louis looking absolutely adorable in Zayns old shirt. It was obviously far too big on him, coming down to just above his knees.

"Well don't you look just the cutest!" I cooed, stifling a laugh at the immediate pinkness delicately gracing his cheeks.

"Zayn said it was okay" He murmured, seemingly almost worried I'd be annoyed at him for not wearing the onesie.

"I know darling that's fine, wouldn't want to get your onesie messy would we?" I smiled, picking him up under his armpits and settling him on the seat next to the table.

Zayn sat opposite him, already getting set up, and I decided to leave them both to it, I'd spent a lot of time with Lou today, and he needed individual bonding time with each of us to get him more comfortable.

It was strange how quickly we'd adjusted to having him here with us, my thoughts and plans for the day already revolving around him. I hoped he'd soon feel the same way, but if he'd been abused the way we thought he had, the way he'd implied, it would take him a while.

Something told me Louis was definitely worth the wait though. The connection we'd all felt with him was immediate, and we were sure he felt it too.

AN: Sorry for the wait with this one, super busy at the minute!

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now