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"Baby I'm sorry, do you want chocolate? Cookies? New teddies?" Niall asked Louis desperately.

Since their lunch, Louis was yet to speak to Niall, clearly holding a grudge, much to the amusement of the others.

"Ni you can't keep trying to bribe him, it's not going to work!" Liam laughed, retrieving his stubborn little Louis for a cuddle.

"But ... How can this not work? I offered cookies and chocolate?" Niall sighed dejectedly, looking over to Louis.

Louis was in a definite mood with Niall for ignoring him at the park, and the others were amazed he could hold a grudge that long in his little space too, as littles were notorious for being easily distracted. Liam thought it may have been due to him not being as secure, or as deep, in his headspace as he could be.

It was something they were all still working on, making him feel comfortable enough to slip completely. They'd gotten there before though, and were sure they'd do it again in no time.

The rest of the day passed much the same, Louis a lot more fussy than usual with Niall trying, and failing, to get back on his baby's good side.

After a heart to heart with Liam and Niall though, who had both promised the boy Niall hadn't meant to ignore him, Louis was almost back to his happy self.

And how best to make up than an evening of cuddles and quality time.

Niall could be a bit ... oblivious ... sometimes, but was making the effort to spend time with Louis after a gentle nudge from Liam, after all, he needed comfort and security over new toys.

"Oh thank you Lou, very nice!" Niall grimaced, as a playdough pizza was unceremoniously shoved in his face by his happy boy.

They'd been playing with his playdough for a while now, Louis loving the different shapes, or 'food' he could make with it.

"You like it?" Louis asked, beaming from ear to ear, and starting on another one the second Niall nodded.

"How about something different Lou, what about your sticker books, or some drawing?" Niall suggested hastily, still trying to get the taste of playdough out of his mouth.

Harry laughed loudly, trying to turn it into a cough when Louis looked up, having just seen how the boy could hold a grudge!

"Stickies!" Louis squealed, quickly abandoning the play dough and making his way back to the toybox.

"Daddy I get it!" Louis told Niall proudly, thrusting a book at him.

Louis was slightly uncoordinated in his headspace though, accidentally hitting Niall in the stomach with the book.

The book was in fact, a copy of Tom Fletchers 'There's a Monster in my Book' - Louis grabbing the first thing he could find, somehow assuming it was a sticker book in his little space.

Niall hid a grin, praising Louis nonetheless, making him smile, proud of himself.

"Hmm how about we have a look upstairs in your play room and see what other ones are there Lou?" Niall asked, scooping Louis up dramatically once he nodded, serving to make him giggle even more, a sound the others knew they would never tire of.

They all followed the two upstairs, Zayn pulling funny faces at Louis behind Niall's back, until they arrived at Louis' exceptionally cool playroom.

This room was without doubt the most colourful in the house, so completely covered in toys that Niall had to sidestep a train set, teddy bear tea party and lego tower in order to get to the table at the other side of the room.

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now