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Having already been dressed before breakfast, all Harry needed to do was wrap him up in a thick coat and shoes, and they were ready to go!

Louis had tried asking a few times where they were going, after being strapped into his car seat, but was only told it was a surprise!

It only took half an hour or so until Zayn pulled into the parking lot of the mall, though he struggled to get a space, with it being exceptionally busy this Christmas Eve!

Knowing Louis got anxious around large crowds, as well as just wanting to spoil the boy on his birthday, they had booked out the entire build a bear store, so Louis would have free reign and have a mini birthday treat there!

They figured he never would have been to a build a bear store before, and thought it was a brilliant way to spend the afternoon, and hopefully the excitement would help him sleep tonight!

Liam gave Louis the usual speech before they left the store - stay close, don't talk to strangers and let them know if anythings wrong.

It probably went in one ear and straight out the other, judging by the way Louis was clamouring to get out of his seat, and nodding frantically. But it made Liam feel a bit better at least!

Zayn carried Louis into the shopping centre, through a side entrance, which they'd already arranged with the staff and security, not wanting to take Louis through the crowds and risk upsetting him.

"Daddy!" Louis squealed straight into Zayns ear, making him grimace, as they walked through the centre.

"Yes angel?"

"Sparklies!" Louis pointed, tugging slightly on a strand of hair Zayn's, pointing towards the ceiling.

Zayn gently removed Louis' hand from his hair, before looking up to where Louis had been pointing.

The 'sparklies' in question were bright Christmas lights decorating the entire ceiling, and it was no wonder Louis was so entranced by them.

In fact, he was so focused on them not only did he not notice Harry taking photos of his cute little face, but he didn't notice they'd stopped right in front of the build a bear store.

"Sweetie, look!" Liam encouraged, gesturing towards the store which looked, to Louis, like one of the most magical places he'd ever seen.

Liam set him down on the floor, holding his hand tightly, as Louis looked around at the walls and walls of teddies in absolute awe.

Louis was given a mini tour of the store, and they explained he could make any teddy he wanted, then name and dress it too.

Louis was practically bouncing up and down in excitement, surrounded by stuffies and bright colourful decorations everywhere, a sensory overload for a new little.

Trying not to interfere, the daddies knew they'd have to help him when he was stuck between five teddies that he wanted, having gone back and forth for over half an hour.

He'd very nearly gotten all of them, Harry, Niall and Zayn fully prepared to buy him everything he'd wanted, but the idea had been shot down in flames by Liam, much to their disappointment.

After a very difficult decision, narrowed down to between a fluffy brown bear and a cute panda, Louis finally decided on the fluffy bear.

Louis was given the full experience, stuffing his own bear and picking a heart for him. Louis chose the biggest one he could see before pressing it into the bear, alongside a vanilla scent which he'd adored.

He'd been shown how to stuff it, by pressing his foot down on the lever, but after a few tries of stomping he'd allowed his daddies to do it, he was really light so it would have taken him ages to fully stuff it, and Louis just wanted to hug his bear at this point!

Next was over to the naming section, which the boys had dreaded knowing how indecisive Louis was, fully prepared to be sat there for ages!

Louis almost immediately decided on naming his new bear Buttons though, and the boys were glad he was coming out of his shell enough to finally feel confident enough to make his own decisions, and know what he liked.

It was adorable how he held the bear so carefully, as if worried about hurting him, and how he thanked his daddies profusely.

It warmed their hearts to see him this relaxed and carefree, and they had a blast watching Louis pick out outfits for his bear. His funny fashion sense was shining through when the bear was given red suspenders under a sequin dress, along with a bowtie. As long as Louis, and the bear, were happy though, then the boys were happy too.

AN: Two updates today, make sure you've read the first if you haven't already!

Love reading everyone's comments, and thanks for voting!

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα