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"Daddies! Daddy!"

Louis' squeals could be heard through the monitor, successfully waking everyone up ...

At five in the morning...

Though to be fair, they had all taken bets, and Zayn had reckoned four, so they were doing fairly well all things considered.

Liam, the only real morning person, was the first to get up to grab Louis. With their touring they were all used to weird sleep schedules, but after the late night last night, it's safe to say none of them had had more than a few hours.

They'd really enjoyed yesterday, seeing how happy Louis was with them all, and his presents of course, and being able to spend the holidays together as a proper family. Finally.

Even after Louis had gone to bed, the boys had had a blast. They'd had a great time decorating the house with extra tinsel, at Zayn's insistence, and mistletoe in every door way, at Harry's insistence.

Then, after a few too many eggnogs, they'd had a blast dancing, and just being with each other. They were all cuddled up on the couch, watching a few more Christmas films. Harry fell asleep on Niall about halfway through though, and was very grumpy when he was woken up later on.

Liam left the other three for another few minutes in bed, throwing on his dressing gown as he walked towards Louis' nursery.

Walking in, and flicking on the light, he was met with the adorable sight of Louis stood up, leaning on the railing slightly as the mattress wobbled under his feet. He reached his hands out for Liam, grinning from ear to ear.

"Daddy! Kissymas daddy!" Louis squealed, making Liam let out a loud laugh, before scooping the boy up in his arms, giving the boy an eskimo kiss.

"Yeah babes, Merry Christmas sweetie!"

Louis hadn't stopped smiling since he'd woken up, and Liam noticed he seemed a little younger in his headspace today. It may have been because of the excitement yesterday, and today, or maybe because he was tired. Either way it was absolutely adorable, the way he mispronounced Christmas, more so than usual! And how his actions just seemed a little more clumsy than usual, clear in how he'd struggled standing up without the support of the crib rail.

"You have a good night sleep darling?"

Louis simply looked up at him, smiling brightly with his eyes sparkling. His hand reached out to touch Liams face, giggling when he poked Liams cheek and Liam pretended to eat his finger.

"No daddy!" Louis screeched, retracting his hand and hiding both of them under his armpits, making it really difficult for Liam to hold him.

"Silly boy! Right let's gets you changed babes, and then we can see if Santa came!"

Louis didn't react except to smile up at him, making Liam wonder if Louis even knew what had been said. Seeming this much younger, he might just not understand.

Louis whined slightly when he was placed on the table, reaching out for Liam instantly. Desperate to avoid a tantrum, Liam looked around to see what he could distract Louis with, settling with one of his new pacifiers, and teddy bear Buttons.

Louis instantly suckled on his pacifier, arms easily wrapping around his teddy bear.

"You're being such a good boy!" Liam praised, talking to Louis as he changed the boys nappy and onesie. Even if he did seem a little too young to understand, the little was staring up at him, and Liam figured his voice was probably soothing him, at least that's what he hoped! It did seem to be working though, as Louis had settled down a bit.

"Ready to go see your other daddies? And presents?" Liam asked, tickling the boys tummy gently after he'd sanitised his hands and finished dressing Louis, in a very cute panda onesie.

"Daddy!" Louis squealed, as if to agree.

Liam smiled and carefully picked up the boy, placing him on his hip making sure his head was rested on his shoulder, he didn't know how steady Louis was, and didn't want his baby hurt.

Walking back in to the bedroom, Liam was unsurprised to see nobody had moved, and Zayn was asleep again.

Louis wriggled to get down, reaching out for Niall, who was closest.

"Merry Christmas angel! Are you excited!" Niall cooed, laying the boy down on his chest.

Louis lifted his head slightly, sucking on his pacifier, before he dropped his head back down heavily on his chest.

Niall looked to Liam in concern, but Liam smiled, explaining,

"Lou's feeling a little small today, but he's so excited aren't you darling?"

Niall nodded understandingly, as Harry stroked his hair gently, pulling faces at him to make him laugh.

"How about opening stockings in bed?" Harry suggested, cooing as Louis rolled himself over, until he was between Niall and Harry, happy as can be.

"Ughhh I need coffee!" Zayn groaned as Liam woke him up, slipping into bed next to him and kissing his cheek.

Liam rolled his eyes, before begrudgingly agreeing to making him some, knowing Zayn wouldn't function before his coffee.

"Thanks Li, you're the best" Zayn grinned as Liam slid back out of bed, heading downstairs to grab drinks for everyone and a bottle for Lou before they properly started their day.

Little bit late ... By like a month and a half, but better late than never!

Probably going to do a time skip in next few chapters, and get started on a few of the prompts sent in, feel free to PM me if you have any other ideas on what you want to see.

Also thank you all so so much for 100k reads, can't believe this story's been so well liked. Thank you all for your votes, comments and support!

Stay safe :)

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now