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Zayn's POV:

After putting Louis in some extra thick nappies, which Liam had bought for occasions just like these, I wrapped him up in the spare blanket on the rocking chair.

He looked even more adorable than usual, his legs spread because of the puffiness of the diaper, and I knew he probably wouldn't be able to walk properly with it. He didn't need to though, especially not while he was ill - he would have all his daddies at his disposal.

I didn't really see the point in redressing him if I was going to have to keep changing nappies, and he seemed fairly warm anyway. The blanket would do just fine.

Thankfully he'd calmed down a lot, and was pretty happy just resting on my hip as I walked him into the kitchen. He'd relaxed into my touch as soon as I'd started rubbing circles on his tummy, clearly in a bit of pain with it. His cough also hadn't cleared up yet, and I was hoping a bottle would settle him down a bit.

Unfortunately Liam still wasn't up, because I didn't have a clue what type of medicine he could have. That was much more Liam's field of expertise than mine, and I didn't want to risk giving him the wrong thing. Milk would do for now, it couldn't exactly make him much worse.

I awkwardly managed to open the bottle of milk from the fridge, still propping Louis up with one arm. I didn't anticipate how difficult it was to fill up a baby bottle for him single handedly though!

I finally set it into the warmer, Louis being a little angel and barely even fussing as I awkwardly balanced him in a way I was sure wasn't comfortable for him.

Louis seemed half asleep again, thankfully, and I grinned as I felt him sigh into my neck, rubbing little circles on his back and tummy, helping him relax.

He had a strand of my hair in his cute little fist, and I could hear his breath in my ear when he moved. I felt so close to him, and I was glad he trusted me enough to look after him.

He clung to me like a little koala while we waited for his bottle, as I murmured reassurances into his ear, humming to try and fill the silence.

The bottle warmer beeped to signal it was ready, making Louis jump at the sudden noise, which was really quite cute.

"There we go sweets, daddy's just going to put you on the floor while I sort the couch, okay?" I told him, placing him on the floor in front of the couch.

He smiled as I handed him his bottle, immediately flopping down on his back onto the rug. I chuckled at his dramatic antics, and left him to it as I had little luck wrestling with the couch.

It was a sofabed type, so could be unfolded into a double bed. I didn't want to wake everyone up with having him sleep in our room, and I couldn't exactly put him back in the nursery.

He didn't seem too upset thankfully when I put him down, happy drinking his bottle while I got myself sorted.

I didn't really want to leave him alone when he wasn't feeling well, but I needed to find some more blankets for us, so I left him on the floor for a few minutes, making a mad dash to the laundry room. Which would be quite a funny sight if someone replayed the security footage!

Grabbing some blankets from the laundry cupboard, I headed back to the living room and breathed a sigh of relief, glad to see Louis exactly where I left him.

Draping the blankets and fluffing all the cushions, so it was nice and cosy for my little Lou, I dimmed the living room lights. At this point Louis was just sprawled out on the rug, staring up at me with his big blue eyes, blinking sleepily.

"You okay bug?" I asked him, as I wrapped the blanket tighter around him, so he was swaddled properly.

"Yeah daddy" He replied, through a yawn, making me coo at him.

"All ready to go sleeping babes?"

"Tired daddy!" Louis agreed, as I got us both comfy on the bed, wrapped in yet more blankets so he didn't get cold. I didn't want to make him feel any worse!

All cute and wrapped up, I couldn't help but take a photo of his pretty little face.

His little button nose, gorgeous cheeks and freckles, all those little things made me fall in love just that little bit more.

Head rested on my chest, my arms securely wrapped around him, we finally drifted back off to sleep.

Pure fluff this chapter! Kind of a crappy ending, but hopefully you didn't think it was too bad!

Hoping to update early next week ...

Thanks to LillianBogart for waiting, your prompts next!

Please comment and let me know what you all think!

Stay safe :)

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant