Chapter 57

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“I can’t believe we’re going to follow her into that creepy ass witch house.” I grumble, as Stefan and I make sure we keep a safe distance from Bonnie. It was Stefan’s idea to stalk her of course. We need her to do a spell for us. 

“The witches can hear you Aria.” he smirks as Bonnie heads inside the house. I glare at him, as we step up on the porch, making sure we don’t creak any floor boards. 

We speed downstairs to where she went, and I pray there are no witch traps in this house. The last thing I need is to be trapped in this house because they make my daylight ring not work. 

Bonnie spins around, sensing out presence behind her. “Aria…Stefan.” she breathes out, “Did you two follow me here?”

“Yeah, it wasn’t too hard. You should probably be more careful.” I warn, taking a few steps towards her.

She takes a few steps back, glaring at me. “What do you want from me?”

“Relax, we just need your help.” Stefan sighs. 

“Why would I help you two? Elena said you two saved Klaus’ life. Not to mention you stabbed her Aria.” Bonnie seethes. 

“Ugh, I stabbed her in the thigh, and Damon healed her soon after. It was not a big deal, but of course Elena has to whine about it.” I growl.

Stefan shoots me a sharp look, “If you can’t handle this, wait for me outside.”

I roll my eyes, taking a step away from Bonnie. “I’m fine.”

“Let me tell you a secret about Klaus, he kept his family with him at all times. Daggered, stored in coffins. Now Aria and I have them, and we need you to help keep them hidden.” Stefan explains, getting back to the topic at hand. 

“Are you out of your mind? You’re just going to make him angrier.” Bonnie says. 

“His family is his one weakness. As long as we have that, we can ruin him.” I reply, not worried about Klaus at all. If he wants to kill me, let him. I don’t think he has the heart to kill Stefan or I. 

“I don’t have enough power to hide four Originals.” Bonnie argues. 

“You’re a witch, they hate Klaus. I don’t know, you can figure something out.” Stefan smirks.


I tilt my head, hearing Damon and Elena above us. I figured Bonnie would tell them where we were. I look over at Stefan, most likely a look of dread on my face.  “Great, they’re here.”

Stefan nods, “The witches won’t let Damon in. It’ll most likely be Elena that comes down here.”

“Even better.” I mutter.

“Don’t do anything stupid, alright? Stay calm.” Stefan says, narrowing his eyes at me. 

“Me? Do something stupid? That’s crazy.” I smirk, and soon after I hear footsteps coming down the basement steps. Yay. Time for some fun now.

“Stefan? Aria?” Elena calls out, walking into the basement. 

“Go away.” I sigh, Stefan and I emerging from the shadows. 

“You shouldn’t be here Elena.” Stefan adds, leaning against the doorframe causally. 

“I need your guys help, Bonnie said that you two would be here.” Elena explains.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now