Chapter 59

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I drain the shot down, giving him a grin. “How many is that? I lost count after 15.” I giggle, pouring myself another shot. I’m drunk as hell, have been ever since I got that picture. The best part is, I found out, that it was taken before Damon and I got cozy in bed. He lied to me when he said he almost kissed Elena. He actually did. Anyways, I’m drunk so I don’t have to think about that. 

“Love, I think that’s enough.” Klaus frowns, as I drain another one. 

“If it has been enough Klaus, I would be passed out right now.” I smirk, the world kind of spinning when I move slightly. Woah, I haven’t been this hammered in a long time. 

The front door opens, Stefan walking into the house. He frowns at Klaus and I, obviously confused. I didn’t invite him to the party, he just showed up. I was already drunk so I didn’t say anything. 

“What are you doing here Klaus? I don’t think Aria needs your company at the moment.” Stefan glares, shutting off the music I had blasting. 

“Hey! I liked that song.” I whine, trying to stand up. The second I do, the world spins, and I start to tumble over. Stefan speeds over to me, catching me before I can hit the floor. I smile at him, “I like being in your arms Stef. It makes me feel all warm inside.” I giggle. 

He rolls his eyes, setting me down on the couch opposite of Klaus. “I think you need to sober up a little.” Stefan’s eyes travel over all the empty bottles of bourbon. “What’s got you so upset?”

“I think it’s best you don’t know.” I slur, knowing it will hurt him too. 

Stefan gives me a suspicious look before turning back to Klaus. “What do you want?”

“The question is, what do you want? My hybrids left town, just as your drunk sidekick demanded. So please, tell me what I need to do to get my family back.” Klaus sighs. 

“I’m not a sidekick!” I yell weakly before bursting into a fit of giggles. That’s pretty funny isn’t it?

“Well, see Klaus…I’m not negotiating.” Stefan shrugs, taking a seat next to me on the couch. I grin, jumping on top of him, and snuggling into his jacket. Stefan sighs, pushing me off him, and giving me a stern look not to move. I smile, saluting him. 

“Well you understand that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean.” Klaus smiles, but it looks very forced.

“I want Elijah back.” I whine, giving the boys puppy dog eyes. 

“No, no. You leave Mystic Falls then in a few years give me a call. Then we’ll talk.” Stefan smirks, ignoring me, the statement directed at Klaus. 

“I’m going to give you another chance. Just one more. Let’s make a reasonable deal.” Klaus says. 

Stefan leans forward, a challenging glint in his eyes. “Or what? You make one move and I will drop-“

Klaus laughs, cutting Stefan off. “Yes, right. Crazy Stefan. Hm. How’s that woking out for you? Any friends left other than your drunk friend here?” Stefan leans back in his seat, not answering Klaus. Klaus gives Stefan a tight smile, “I’ll be seeing you soon.” Klaus disappears, I giggle, thinking fairies disappear into thin air too. Maybe Klaus is a fairy. 

“I can’t have you drunk today Aria.” Stefan states, standing up. 

“But if I’m not drunk, I’ll feel the pain Stef.” I complain, desperately not wanting to feel the pain. 

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now