Chapter 19

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I hear my alarm buzzing and I groan, trying to find the off switch. "Stupid friken thing!" I yell throwing it off my bed side table. I wince when I hear it break on the floor. That's only like the 10th one I've broken. Jeremy runs in the room looking sleepy.

"What the hell was that?" he asks.

" alarm clock." I shrug.

"Jenna is going to kill you." he laughs.

"No she won't. Because according to her......I spilled coffee on your homework broke my alarm clock." I say slowly knowing it's a really bad excuse.

"Good luck with that." he smirks walking out of my room.

"Thanks." I mumble getting up. I walk into the bathroom and look at the clock. "Crap!" I whisper/yell. I'm running pretty late, guess no shower for me this morning.

I run to my closet and grab some clothes quickly. I put on a grey short sleeve shirt with a kind of green cardigan over it. I throw on some black short-shorts with black leggings underneath so I don't freeze my ass off. To top it off I put on some short black boots and a black beanie, to cover up my frizzy hair. (Don't know if that sounds right or not, saw the outfit on the internet. Looked pretty cute.)

I grab my bag and speed down the stairs. "Elena?" I call out when I see the empty living room. I see a note on the counter and pick it up.


You were taking to long so I left. Hope you get a ride or else you have to walk. Don't get hypothermia.



"Seriously?" I question out loud. Jenna and Jer are gone so that means I have to walk. If I freeze or get hit by a car on the way there it is so Elena's fault.


I must have like speed walked or something because when I get to school, there's still 15 minutes left before the bell rings.

"Aria, you made it. Even with time to spare." Elena smiles walking up to me.

I glare at her. "Thanks for leaving me behind sis. I couldn't even shower, so my hair is really frizzy and I feel gross."

"Get over it, you'll live." Elena rolls her eyes.

"How do you know I will?" I question.

"Because, I'm guessing you don't die without a fight Aria." Stefan smiles walking up to us.

"Maybe, maybe not." I shrug, smiling slightly.

"Hey, Stefan." Elena smiles giving him a quick kiss. She pulls away and does a kissy face at me. I laugh and poke her in the shoulder, sometimes Lena can be funny. "So has Damon talked to you about Isobel?" Elena asks.

"He hasn't said a word to me. Every time I try to talk to him, he shuts me down." Stefan answers.

"Do you think he's still trying to find Katherine?" I sneer, hating that it pisses me off so much.

"I don't know. He waited 145 years to only find out that Katherine could not care less. That's gotta hurt, right?" Stefan shrugs.

"And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy." Elena says sarcastically.

"You two have every reason to be upset with him." Stefan smiles, Elena nods. I don't reply because for some reason I don't feel upset. It's like I've already forgiven him or something..."Have you found out anymore about what you're gonna do?"

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now