Chapter 41

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"What is so freaking urgent that I get 500 texts from you three, demanding I get here immeaditly?" I demand, walking into Stefan's room. They all glare at me, gesturing to the person behind Elena. I look at Katherine with a bored look, "Yeah, so? It's just Katherine." I sigh.

"So? So?! You act like it's not big deal Katherine is out and about. I thought you would be a little more pissed." Elena glares.

"She dropped by last night, like I said, not a big deal." I shrug.

"She dropped by last night?" Damon questions.

"Yup, she took a shower and stole some clothes. But she's not even wearing them." I frown, looking at Katherine who is dressed up like Elena. Guess she was having some fun this morning.

"Did you not think to call one of us?" Elena snaps.

"I was tired, I fell asleep." I answer.

Elena shakes her head, letting out a disbelieved sigh. "What is she even doing here?" Elena demands.

"When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb." Damon tells us, a disgusted look on his face. At least I know he doesn't have feelings for Katherine anymore.

"How is that possible?" Stefan questions.

"He's an Original, they have all sorts of special skills." Katherine explains.

"I don't want you here. Get her out of here!" Elena commands, practically screaming. Jesus Elena, you sound like a freaking whiny child.

"You and Aria need me, Elena. You all do." Katherine smirks.

"Like hell." Stefan argues, glaring at Katherine.

"We all want the same thing, Klaus dead. And here you all are, running around like chickens with there heads cut off." Katherine crosses her arms, glaring at Elena is particular.

"I don't need your help, and I don't want it." Elena glares back, crossing her arms.

"And that's incredibly stupid of you." Katherine sighs, "Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming? What he looks like?"

"If you know something Kathy, just spit it out. Please don't waste any of my valuable time." I sigh.

"Fine, I'll just go to the Grill and have some lunch. Maybe Aunt Jenna is free for a bite." Katherine threatens, looking over at Elena. Ugh, really Katherine? You couldn't think of something more original than a shitty threat?

"Whatever Katherine, stay. You can chill here for a while, right Damon?" I look over at him giving him my best, if you don't do this, I will eat you, look. Damon glares at me before giving a stiff nod. "Great, now can I go take a nap?" I ask, causing everyone to groan. Hey! What's wrong with that question?


I walk down the stairs, letting out a big yawn and stretching out my arms. Naps in Damon's bed are the best, he has the most soft bed ever. It's heaven. Especially if he is in it with me.

Katherine is chilling on the sofa in the the living room, reading a book. "Morning Katherine." I greet.

"It's 2pm, Aria. It is afternoon." Katherine says, not looking up from her book.

"Whatever...have you seen Damon?" I ask, rolling my eyes at the first part.

"He's downstairs setting Elijah on fire, but it's not working to well." Katherine shrugs, like that is such a freaking normal thing to say. It's not!

"Okay then..." I frown, "I'm going to go down and watch this...amazing sight."

"I'll come with you." Katherine states, throwing the book down on the sofa.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now