Chapter 17

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"Aria, wake up." Elena whispers frantically. I don't want to wake up my head hurts way too bad. "Aria, come on." she pleads quietly. I slowly open my eyes and groan from the pain that ignites behind my eyes. "Shh." Elena shushes me. I squint and sit up with her help. She points to the sleeping man in the chair, worried he will wake up. I look around the room and frown, where the hell am I?

Oh yeah, I got kidnapped. Wonderful. Just friken great.

Based on the crappy room, I'm guessing were in some kind of shit motel. No offense to motels or anything but aren't they almost always shit? (I actually have nothing against poor motels, I stay in them a lot actually XD)

My eyes automatically land on the door because it's our only way out. I look over at Elena and gesture to the door. She gives me a skeptical look but I choose to ignore it. How are we ever supposed to get out of here if we don't try to get out?

As quietly as I can, I shift my feet around so that there down on the floor. I have to bite my lip from crying out because of the pain in my head. Jeez, what did they hit me with? I smirk when I stand up and the guy doesn't even twitch. I take a few steps and am relived to see Elena stand up with no problem also.

The way the guy is sitting on the chair, his leg is sticking out which means we will have to walk over it. I take a silent deep breath, and slowly lift my leg above his. I set it silently on the ground and lift my other foot above him, it also lands silently. I take a few steps when I hear a slight creek from the floorboard. I spin around and see Elena standing there with only one foot above him. Come on Elena, don't screw up.

I mentally thank her when she safely arrives on my side. We walk as quick as we can to the door without making any noise. I get to the door and am about to open it but Elena stops. She points to the chain lock on the door, frowning. I want to kick the door and scream curses but I control myself.

As quietly as I can, I start sliding the chain through the lock. I look back and see he hasn't moved so I quickly finish. only one more lock to go. I put my hand on the lock and am about to unlock it but a voice from behind me stops me.

"I wouldn't." Elena and I both spin around. I quickly step in front of Elena and glare at the dude. I will not act like some scared little girl, I'm not afraid to fight this asshole. He comes right in my face and looks into my eyes. Haha, he's trying to compel me but I have vervain on. "Don't try to escape, don't even try to move. Do you understand?" he questions.

In my best under compulsion voice, I answer, "I understand."

He looks over at Elena, "If you try anything I'll kill her." Elena nods and looks down at my vervain bracelet. Good, she knows I'm not under compulsion. The guy laughs a little and turns away from us. As soon as his back is turned I unlock the door and start to run out but someone grabs me pushing me back in. I fight against whoever it is but they have an iron grip.

"Seriously?" Anna demands not happy at all.

"I told her not to move! I did that eye thing you taught me!" he says. Anna grabs Elena and I, pushing us towards the bathroom. Elena and I are both struggling but apparently Anna is really strong.

"You forgot the lessen about vervain? One of them dates a vampire and the other is best friends with one Ben. Duh." Anna sighs aggravated pushing open the bathroom door.

"Who are you? What'd you want?" Elena asks. Oh yeah, she doesn't know that this is Anna.

"Does it even matter?" Anna answers throwing us in the bathroom. I turn around and try to open the door back up but of course it's locked. I sigh and turn on the light looking at Elena.

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