Chapter 29

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I bang on his door as loud as I can, not in the mood to stand outside. He better not make me wait one damn second longer or I'm going to get more aggravated than I already am.

After a few moments of loud banging, he finally opens up the door. His eyes trail down to the bags in my hands, before he smirks. "I didn't know we were in that stage of our relationship."

I roll my eyes and push past him, walking to the living room. I toss my bags down on the sofa and pour myself a drink. I have not drank in so long, I think I may be going through withdraws. "I had to get to away from Elena, she is literally going to drive me crazy. Last night I was breaking things and... I just needed to get away." I shrug, drowning the glass easily.

"You need a distraction then?" Damon does the ET thing, speeding over in front of me.

I raise my eyebrows, smirking slightly. "I need a very good distraction."

"Well, I think I can help you." he smirks back and starts to lean in but I step away.

"Maybe later." I shrug sending him an innocent smile.

"Tonight, later?" he questions, trying to be all seductive. Let me tell you, he's very good at it.

"Possibly, I do need somewhere to sleep after all." I grin, finishing off my second drink. "I saw your text about Jenna's barbecue, why did you plan it?" I ask changing the mood a little.

"Well, Jenna went to high school with our boy Mason Lockwood so I figured it would be a great chance to get to know him. So I asked Ric and he asked Jenna..." Damon trails off knowing I got the idea.

"Does Jenna know your going to be there? She kind of hates you." I tease, while Damon just shrugs.

"I bought a pie, pie always equals peace." I can't help it, I burst out laughing. It's just too funny. Imagine Damon saying that and try not to laugh.

See, you can't.

After a few seconds, I try to compose myself. When I look back at Damon, he's frowning. He doesn't like people laughing at him. It's an ego issue. "How is going to dinner with Mason going to help you?" I question trying to change the subject, again.

"I'm going to stick some silver into Mason Lockwood and prove he's a werewolf." Damon answers with a slight grin. Why killing people makes him so happy, I will never know.

"Damon... what if it doesn' know, kill him? Then you will have a werewolf hunting your ass. I would prefer if maybe you didn't try to kill Mason." I glare, not wanting Damon to get hurt. Yes, okay! I'm worried.

"Ah, your worrying is cute Ari but there is no need to. Even if I don't kill him, I know I could take him. He's only strong on a full moon. I'm badass 24/7." Damon smirks starting to head towards the front door. He turns back to me, giving me a questioning glance. "You want a ride or not?"

I sigh but grab my jacket anyway, running to catch up to him. I'm pretty sure this is the weirdest barbecue I've ever gone to. Let's see there will be two dopplegangers, a werwolf, a vampire, a vampire hunter, and a human.

This should be good.


I take a deep breath and raise my hand to knock on the door but I just hold my fist in the air. I just can't bring myself to do it...I know it's really stupid. Damon watches me for a few moments before ringing the doorbell. I glare at him but keep my mouth shut, I'm actually thankful he did that.

Elena opens up the door and her eyes widen when she sees me. "Aria?" she questions, stunned. I look at her for a few moments before I push past her and into the house. I hear Elena and Damon whispering to each other, do I even want to know what there talking about? Probably about me and that I'm unstable right now. Yeah, that sounds just right.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now