Chapter 24

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I throw the phone down on my bed, ready to break it if it goes off again. All morning I’ve been getting texts from Damon saying how sorry he is and that he was drunk. Not good enough. 

I don’t know how he just expects me to forgive him so easily. You don’t just go around kissing your best friends. Granted he doesn’t know my feelings for him but still…

“You look like you just suffered a break up.” Elena says amused as she walks into my room. I kind of do look like I did, I’m wearing sweatpants, a tank-top, and my hair is messily pulled back in a bun. In other words, I look terrible. 

“I did, a friendship one.” I sigh, sitting back down on my bed. 

“Damon?” Elena smiles obviously happy we’re not friends at the moment. 

“Don’t look so happy about it.” I glare at her. 

She shrugs, “What can I say? I like the fact you and Damon aren’t going to hang out anymore.” 

I roll my eyes, “How is Stefan?” I ask changing the subject. Elena convinced him to feed, and keep living because of their love or some shit like that.

“He’s fine, back to normal.” Elena smiles. 

“Wonderful.” I mutter happy he’s not going to kill people anymore. 

“Caroline is forcing me to help with the Miss Mystic float, I’m guessing she wants you to help also.” Elena points out. 

“Ya, she wants me to. That doesn’t mean I am, I would prefer to stay here all day in bed watching Dear John.” I shrug. 

Elena laughs, “You’re coming, I’m not going to let you drown in your sorrows all day. Stefan is picking me up in a half hour be ready or you’re going how you look now.” I groan and give her my best glare but she just smiles innocently walking out of the room. I can’t believe she’s making me go. I don’t want to be around anybody, Damon could show up any moment. 

Aria, what’s wrong with you? Your world has never stopped spinning for a boy, don’t let Damon Salvatore change that.

Stupid voice, always telling me the right advice. I shouldn’t let Damon Salvatore make my world stop spinning, I can live without him. I smirk and go to the closet grabbing some clothes. 

I’m so ready to live without Damon Salvatore. Uh, maybe…


“Elena please don’t make me do this, I thought you loved me.” I fake sob and grab her hand as we stand in front of the school. 

Elena laughs, “I do that’s why I brought you here, you need to get out.” 

“No, I didn’t. I needed to stay home watching Dear John all day while eating chocolate. That is what I need Elena.” I glare at her as we get closer to the cafeteria. It’s pretty loud in there so there must be a good amount of students inside. How many people do they need to decorate some floats for a parade? 

“Who did you break up with?” Stefan asks amused. 

I move my glare over to him, “I didn’t break up with anyone but if you keep talking I might just break your spine.” It’s an empty threat of course for many reasons, but hey, it made me feel better. 

“Alright, alright. I will shut up.” Stefan smiles. 

“Good.” I smirk as Ric walks up to us with a serious expression. “Hey Ric.” 

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now