Chapter 58

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I smile, rolling over in bed as I hear footsteps outside the door. Stefan leans against the doorframe, his eyebrows raised at me. “I see you and my brother had a good night.” he comments. 

“Yes we did.” Damon yells from the shower. 

I laugh, jumping out of bed, with only my bra and underwear on. Trust me, I would not be jumping out of bed naked with Stefan in the room. That would be really weird, and awkward. Just no.

I walk over to Damon’s dresser, pulling on a tank top and putting on a pair of dark jeans. I grab my jacket, slipping it on. I look at my reflection in the mirror, and frown, seeing my hair a ratted mess. I pull it back in a bun, really not wanting to deal with it. 

Damon walks out of the bathroom in only a towel, his hair still dripping wet. He smirks at me, wiggling his eyebrows. “Morning.” Damon greets his brother. 

“You two are late. We are supposed to meet Bonnie at the old witch house in 10 minutes.” Stefan sighs. 

“I’m ready to go, so only Damon is late.” I point out. 

“Relax brother, you don’t want your hair to fall out.” Damon teases, ignoring me. 

“Would you hurry up? We have work to do. You know Klaus isn’t gonna spontaneously self-destruct.” Stefan glares, obviously not in a good mood this morning. Guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. “Oh, and you two, mellow down, you’re both practically radiating this morning. I really don’t want to know how happy you guys are because you finally had sex again.”

“Don’t be mad Stefan. You might get a hook up again one day.” I wink. 

“Just hurry up.” he mutters. 


“You didn’t say anything to Elena about the coffins right?” Stefan asks, as we head towards the witch house. 

“No, I said I wouldn’t.” Damon frowns. 

“I know what you said.” Stefan shrugs. 

“Then why are you asking?” Damon demands. 

“Because protecting the location of Klaus’ family is my number one priority right now. The fewer people that know the better.” Stefan says, and I swear I hear something. I hold my hand out, stopping them from walking further. There is definitely someone else here other than Bonnie. 

Damon looks around a little confused. “What?”

“I think one of Klaus’ goons is here.” I whisper, “Damon, go check downstairs.” Damon speeds off, no questions asked. Stefan and I quietly walk toward the house.

“Back door.” he mouths to me. I nod, stopping in front of the door. We wait for a few moments before a hybrid walks out the door. He stops when he sees us, surprise that we’re here. 

He snarls at us, his eyes glowing yellow. “That is not a very attractive face.” I comment, right as the guy lets out a cry of pain. He falls to the floor, Damon standing there with the hybrid’s heart in his hands. 

“These hybrids…” Damon sighs, throwing the heart on top of the guy, “…they’re really bringing the neighborhood down.”


“You’re giving me a headache.” I complain as Damon continues to vampire bang the shovel against the one coffin that is locked up tight. Oh, you want to know something shitty? I’m not allowed in here alone because they think I’ll wake up Elijah. Which I just might if I get a chance. 

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now