Chapter 40

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“Hello Arianna.” Jules smirks, towering over me. 

“Remember us?” Fredrick questions, holding a wooden stake. What the hell is he doing here? He’s supposed to be long gone.

“How could I forget? My two favorite torturers.” I answer, taking a few steps away from them. They seem so tall right now, they’re like towering two feet over me…

“We came back for round two.” Jules states, and suddenly I am on the ground. I try to scream but my voice is suddenly gone, my mouth just open in a silent scream. Jules laughs, pinning me down to the ground. 

“More like round 50 for me.” Fredrick grins, leaning down next to me. He gently strokes my face, making me want to vomit. I thrash around in Jules grip, pure terror taking over. I just want them to leave me alone. 

“Scared Arianna?” Jules teases, her eyes turning a bright yellow. Fredrick’s eyes turn bright red, veins browning underneath him. They both smirk at me, and this time, I am finally able to scream. 

“Damn it Aria, wake up!” a voice yells, as I bolt upright in bed, gasping for breath. I look around the room panicked, praying they’re gone. “It’s okay Ari, it was just a dream.” Damon whispers, wrapping his arm around my stomach. I grab his arm, trying to steady my breathing. It was just a dream, it was just a dream…

“Thanks for waking me up.” I tell him, once I find the courage to speak.

“It was hard as hell, you wouldn’t wake up. You just kept thrashing around, screaming. I was worried.” Damon frowns, turning me around in his arms so I am facing him. I give him a small smile, kissing him lightly. 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worried.”

“It’s too early for me to be worried.” Damon sighs, a teasing tone in his voice. 

“Well sorry for troubling you, how will I ever make it up to you?” I grin, false worry in my voice. 

Damon pushes me back down onto the bed, pinning my hands above my head. He kisses my neck, then shoulder, slowly lifting up my shirt. “I think I know a way.” he whispers his voice deeper than usual. 

I laugh as he lifts my shirt above my head. “I’m all for it honey.” I smirk. 


I look around the woods nervously, worried something is going to pop out at me. This is how girls get eaten in horror movies, going out into the woods, alone. No one even knows I’m out here. Actually, one person does. 

“Hello Aria.” Elijah smiles, emerging from behind a tree. 

“Hey.” I answer, narrowing my eyes at him. I didn’t forget what he did to Damon. But he did save Damon and I’s asses the other day, so I guess he is forgiven?

“I’m glad you came, I was starting to doubt you would.” Elijah comments. 

“Sorry, I was just a little preoccupied this morning.” I really hope I’m not blushing right now, I think I am. Damon and I were very busy this morning. Lets just say, we almost broke the bed. I know that sounds so Twilight…eew. 

“I’m sure you were.” Elijah laughs, like he knows what I was doing. I really hope not. That’s embarrassing.

“Why did you call me out here Elijah? Cut the crap, I know it wasn’t just for company. Even though I am fabulous company.” I smirk. 

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now