Season 2------ Chapter 26

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A loud bang from the kitchen brings me out of my thoughts. What the hell? That's not creepy or anything. In this town you never know what can happen...

I look around and take a deep breath before slowly heading into the kitchen...

I take a few steps into the kitchen before I see him. I gasp in horror at all the blood around him. I run over to him and let out a strangled cry when I see three of his fingers cut off, plus a stab wound in the chest. Oh God...

I grab a towel of the counter and place it over his hands which are above the stab wound. I may not like the guy but I can tell he is in a lot of pain, and he's my Uncle. I pull out my cellphone and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the lady answers on the first ring.

"Hi, uh...I need an ambulance to 2104 Maple Street-" I stop when I hear John trying to whisper something to me. "What?"

"Behind you." he whispers causing me to gasp and spin around. Nothing there...but there was someone, unless he was hallucinating. I look down and see a kitchen knife laying next to me with John's blood on it. I pick up the knife and stand up. Don't think about the blood on it, Aria.

I walk out of the kitchen slowly and into the hallway holding the knife in front of me. I hear a whoosh behind me and spin around at the sound. Nothing there again... I scream when I hear the door slam open and shut. There gone...who ever it was is gone now. Wait...

"Jeremy." I whisper dropping the knife and taking off up the stairs. "Jeremy!" I yell running into his room. He's asleep on the bed, but why didn't he wake up when I called him? "Jeremy, please wake up." I cry, trying to shake him awake. Oh God, he's not waking up. What is wrong with him?

Jeremy gasps awake causing me to breathe a sigh of relief. He's not hurt but John is downstairs...

There was a vampire in here that means they got invited in somehow, whoever stabbed John can come back anytime they like. That could be a problem, a very, very, bad problem.


I stand on the steps and watch in horror as they wheel John out, he's alive but barely. I may have hated him but I don't want him to die, especially not like this.

Stefan and Elena walk up as they wheel John out the door, Elena gasps, putting her hand over her mouth. They try to walk in but the cop stops them, who is standing guarding the door.

"They're okay." I tell him and Elena comes running up the stairs, hugging me so tight I can't breathe. I guess she forgot about earlier, seeing Damon and I kiss. She was so mad...

When she pulls away Stefan gives me a small smile. Then I remember why I called Stefan here. "Come on." I say grabbing Elena's arm and leading her up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Elena asks worried as we head to Jeremy's room.

"He said that Anna gave him her blood, and then he took these pills and now... I mean he looks fine but then so do you so...I just don't know." I sigh handing Stefan the pill bottle. Elena gives Jeremy a worried yet disproving look.

Stefan gets down on his knees and forces Jeremy to look him in the eyes. "I'm fine, okay? I feel exactly the same." Jeremy glares at him but Stefan still forces him to look at him.

"Should I call a paramedic up here? What should we do?" Elena questions, oh that's not the stupidest idea ever. Why didn't I think of that?

"No...he's fine." Stefan states standing up.

"You mean I'm not a vampire...damn it!" Jeremy whispers causing Elena to look at him in horror.

"Shut up, Jeremy. You don't know what you're saying." I glare at him.

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