Chapter 12

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"Have you even talked to Bonnie?" I ask Caroline.

"No! I'm mad at her. She needs to send the first text." Caroline shrugs.

"Be the bigger person." Elena pips in always trying to be the good one.

"Impossible in her presence." Caroline glares at nothing in particular.

"Why are you so mad at her anyway?" I ask amused.

"She's a thief, that's why. I gave her my necklace and she refuses to give it back." Caroline explains. "It's a matter of principle."

"Alright well we tried, were officially out of it." I say giving up.

"Good. Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?" Caroline changes the subject, asking Elena.

"He's avoiding me." Elena sighs depressed.

"Why?" Caroline presses on.

"It's complicated." Elena states giving me a knowing look. We hear the bell ring and I sigh knowing I have to start school now.

"See ya later." I wave to Caroline while Elena and I head to whatever class we have. I think history. Who knows?

"We find out who are new history teacher is today." Elena says.

"Oh yeah since Damon killed Mr.T." I mean I'm kind of upset he died but hey, he was a total dick.

"Aria be nicer, he's dead." Elena scolds me as we walk into history right when the bell rings. I head over to my seat and set my books down, already dreading the day.

Bonnie hurries in at the last second with her head down taking her seat quickly. She looks really upset, wonder what's up. I see Elena turn around and ask Bonnie if she is okay, Bonnie just shrugs.

"Alrighty then." a males voice comes from the front of the classroom. I turn back around and see a handsome guy in his thirties probably. He picks up a piece of chalk and writes his long name on the board. "Alaric Saltzmen." he states rubbing his hands together. I notice that Stefan's desk is still unoccupied, poor Lena.

"I know it's a mouthful, doesn't exactly roll of the tongue. Saltzmen is of German essence, my family immigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I however was raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather that I will never be able to thank enough. You guys can call me Ric and I'm your new history teacher." he smiles finishing off his speech.

I can defiantly tell this guy is better than Mr.Tanner.


"And then I ended up at the remains of Old Fell's church before I got back in the woods." Bonnie explains. Poor Bonnie, she is being haunted by her dead ancestor. That would suck, badly.

"And you always see your ancestor, Emily?" Elena asks clarifying.

Bonnie nods. "That's not creepy or anything." I say and see Bonnie crack a small smile.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" Bonnie wonders.

"Ugh no, this is not some bad horror movie." I say in a duh tone.

"Aria." Elena scolds. "Two weeks ago I would say no but now...." Elena trails off, knowing I know what she means.

"I think I'm being haunted." Bonnie states.

"But why Emily? I mean she is your family and normally family look out for each other, not haunt each other." I point out.

"Grams said she was a powerful witch in the Cvil War days and this medallion was hers." Bonnie picks up the medallion from around her neck. It's big, orange and ugly. "It's a witches stone or something." Bonnie shrugs.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now