Chapter 9

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I slowly open my eyes and look around, I am in someone's bedroom that is not my own. I gasp and sit up, looking around panicked.

"Calm down Gilbert." Damon says amused. I look at him and then suddenly all the memories flood back, Damon luring me over here, him killing some dude, then biting me. I look down at my wrist and see his teeth marks. I burst out laughing so hard that tears are coming to my eyes.

"Why are you laughing? Normally people scream, cry, run, etc." Damon asks amused.

"You're like," I laugh harder and force myself to finish the sentence, "Edward Cullen!" I burst out laughing and suddenly Damon is straddling me, his hand around my neck squeezing lightly. Not enough to hurt but enough so I know he is stronger than me.

"I am nothing like that poor excuse of a vampire. Don't insult me." he glares. I laugh and smack the back of his head.

"Get off me Edward." I laugh and slip out from underneath him. He growls and starts to chase after me but I laugh and run away. He suddenly appears in front of me and looks into my eyes.

"Don't move." I want to move but for some reason I can't.

"What did you do to me?" I ask nervously.

"I compelled you." he shrugs, "A vampire can get inside your head and like control you. It's fun and very useful." he smirks.

"That's why Caroline didn't tell anyone about you, you compelled her." I glare at him.

"Very smart Ari. I'm impressed." he smiles.

"Let me move Damon." I command. He shakes his head and smirks at me. "Damon please, I'm already scared enough as it is and I just want you to explain everything to me." I beg.

"Fine, you can move." he sighs and sits down on the bed. I smile and go sit down next to him. I notice how he flinches in pain when he sits and he is still very pale.

"Damon you should drink more from me, you look like your in pain." I frown, actually pretty worried.

"If I drink anymore from you, I will most likely kill you. Your blood is the sweetest I have ever tasted, Aria. I will explain to you about me then once the sun goes down, I will go out and feed." he says. I shiver when I realize he is going to kill people tonight.

"Why when the sun goes down? You have been in the sun before." I ask.

"When Stefan locked me up down there he took my daylight ring. Without it, I will burn in the sun." Damon explains.

"How do those work?" I question.

"Witches spell them, mine was spelled by Emily Bennet, Bonnie's ancestor." Damon says. I look at him in shock.

"Witches? Bonnie's ancestor? How old are you?"

"I've been 24 since 1864." he shrugs, "When I was human Emily was Katherine's maid."

"Wait, wait. Katherine was alive in 1864?"

"Yes, she was a vampire. Her blood turned Stefan and I then because of Stefan she was burned alive in a church." Damon says bitterly. I shake my head shocked.

"Anything else I need to know?" I ask in a shaky voice.

"Vampire blood heals a human so if you got shot and I gave you my blood, it would heal you." he states.

"How do you even become a vampire?" I ask nervous, looking down at the bite mark on my wrist.

"It's a very lengthy process, don't worry the bite won't turn you. You have to have vampire blood in your system, die, then feed on a human." he explains.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now