Chapter 63

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GIf is not of Katherine, it's of Aria. :)




"You bought me a whole closet of clothes?" I smile, as I walk into his closet, now one side completely filled will all different styles of clothes...for me. I can't believe he did all this.

He smirks at me, "I love seeing you in my shirts, but I figured you'd want something else."

"I can't go anywhere in your shirts Klaus. That would be very scandalous...and dirty." I laugh, walking out of the closet.

"Maybe I like dirty love." he whispers, wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around. I giggle, wrapping my arms around him to keep from falling. He stops spinning me, and I hold onto him, feeling slightly dizzy.

"That was not fun." I pout, even though I have a gigantic smile on my face.

He leans down, giving me a light kiss. "Was that better love?"

I pretend to think for a moment, "No." I smirk, pushing away from him. He rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face. "Did you hear about Ric?"

"Who's that again?" Klaus frowns.

"You took over his body and tried to kill Bonnie in it. He's also, technically Elena, Jeremy, and I's guardian." I explain, finding it amusing that Klaus doesn't remember who he is.

"Ah, yes, him. He wasn't good for much." Klaus shrugs.

I narrow my eyes at him, "Ric is one of the few people I like Klaus. Shut up."

He laughs, holding his hands up in innocence. "Why don't you get on with what you were going to say earlier love."

"Oh yeah! Ric was arrested for murdering some guy and trying to kill this doctor named Meredith. But apparently Ric is saying that she tried to kill him the other night. It's very complicated, and kind of amusing." I say, walking into the bathroom.

"Should I care about this?" Klaus asks.

I pull back my hair, putting it up in a bun. I grab my mascara, starting to put it on. "No, but I just wanted to tell you anyways. As my boyfriend you have to listen to me ramble even if you don't care." I shrug, setting down my mascara.

"Sorry love, I'm outdated with this whole girlfriend thing. The last one I had, I had to kill because she rambled too much." Klaus smirks, joining me in the bathroom.

I roll my eyes, "Very funny."

"I like to think I am." he replies, and suddenly I am in the shower. I let out a small shriek when the water turns on, freezing cold water drenching me. I narrow my eyes, looking at Klaus who is standing in front of the shower, a giant grin on his face.

"What the hell?" I demand.

"As my girlfriend, I can mess with you in anyway I want." he says, a cocky look on his face.

I speed out of the shower, jumping onto to Klaus and wrapping my arms around him. He groans, annoyed that I'm getting him wet. I laugh, as he walks into the shower, both of us getting drenched. Might as well, we're already both wet now.

He backs me up against the wall of the shower, his hands holding my thighs. Water is running down his face, and he looks super hot. He smirks at me, lifting my shirt off my head. "I don't think you need this in here."

"Then you don't need yours." I smile, slipping his shirt off.

"I like where this is going." Klaus grins, his eyes roaming me over.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now