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Song suggestion: Angel of Small Death and the Codeine scene - Hozier

"I have some bad news for you Miss Carter." The police officer looked down at me.

"What's wrong?" I scanned my brain for every possible reason that a police officer would be talking to me- an eight year old girl.

"I'm afraid to inform you that your mother, father, and brother, were involved in a car accident." He looked at me with sympathy.

"My family?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are they okay? Where are they?"

"The crash was fatal."

"Gran..." I looked back at my Grandmother who had been standing behind me. I knew what the word 'fatal' meant, but I was hoping that maybe in this situation it meant something different.

"Ophelia, go to your room for a bit." Gran instructed.

I quickly abided and ran up the stairs. I was about to open the door to my bedroom when I realized that I could hear the conversation between Gran and the officer from where I was standing. Part of me wanted to hide in my room to avoid hearing the worst, but the other part felt like she needed to hear this to understand what was happening. So I slumped down, and sat cross legged at the base of the door.

"Why would you tell her that?" Gran hissed at the officer. "She's eight years old! She should be hearing it from a trusted adult, not some stranger!"

"I'm not a stranger Philly." The officer replied.

"You are to her Robert!"

"I know you're upset, they were your family, but anger is not the-"

"But I'm angry Rob! Why would you tell my granddaughter that her parents are dead? Right to her face! I should be the one to do it! My children are dead and you..." I heard her voice breaking. "You..."

"It's alright Philly." I figured that officer Rob was giving her a hug. There was a single sniffle before Gran spoke again, in a much clearer voice.

"How did it happen?"

"We're not sure yet. There was close to no evidence of who did it. It was on the interstate, and all that was there were their bodies and the car wreck."

"There has to be some sort of evidence. It's not like a ghost did it."

The conversation went on to talk about things I didn't understand. All that I knew was that my family was dead. Mom, Dad, and Adam were dead.

A few minutes later I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Gran stood at the base of the landing.

"I figured you were listening in." She walked over and sat down beside me as I sobbed. Despite being in her sixties, she was still good at moving. She played with me all the time. "You know what's going on right?"

I nodded, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Where am I going to go?" I sniffled.

"You'll stay here, and I'll live here too." She comforted me. "It'll be you and I, and we'll have lots of fun together."

Okay, Gran and I.

She'll take care of me.


It's been three weeks since I started my job at the one seven. After three long weeks, my shower is fixed! I was sick and tired of showering at the gym. The plumber had taken two whole extra weeks because he was a lazy oaf, and even at that, he still did a crappy job. My water pressure was shit, but it did the job I guess.

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