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Song recommendation: Stealing Cars by James Bay

He's working for Julian.

My boy, my sweet, kind, wonderful, boy was working for that sick, sick man. I couldn't quite wrap my head around that. I didn't ask him about it though. He was still sobbing in my arms, it wasn't the right time. I had to squeeze my eyes shut, and try to distract myself from hearing Niall falling apart in my arms so that I didn't start breaking down myself. He was shaking so much, like he didn't quite know what to do with the emotions coming out of him. His breath was dry and heavy, almost scratchy and torn. He'd been crying a lot lately, I could tell.

I held him tight. I couldn't let go even if I tried. I never wanted to let go again. I couldn't believe the circumstances. There I was, working my dream job, with my dream partner, but everything was going to shit. We were in the depths of hell, the world burning to a crisp around us, but at least we were together, right? I had him. As long as I had him, then I wasn't completely alone. I had something worth trying for.

I ran my hands through Niall's hair, feeling the sweat building up on his scalp. He'd been drinking, crying, and fighting obviously. I didn't blame him for feeling feverish. I still hugged him, even if his tears and his snot and his sweat were getting all over my shirt. I didn't care. He needed me to be there. He needed me to just hold him. So that's what I did.

"Ophelia-" Niall lifted his head, but he sounded like he was still crying.

"Shhh." I brought him back close again. "You don't have to. Not yet." I breathed.

"But I-"

"Tell me in the morning dear." I said quietly and calmly, like there was nothing wrong. "You haven't slept in days. I need you to rest."

"I don't want to get up." His breathing was slowing, and his sobs were becoming less frequent. It was almost over. "I can't let go of you."

"You don't have to. I'm okay here." I dragged my fingers slowly across the back of his neck, sending goosebumps up his skin.

"I'm sorry." He whispered sadly.

"It's okay Niall." I assured him. "We'll talk about it in the morning."

"Okay." I felt his weight relax onto me, his head dropped onto my shoulder.

I spent that night comforting Niall. I had untucked his shirt so that I could touch the skin of his back. I dragged my nails up and down his skin, he loved when I did that. I touched him all night, even when his sniffles ceased. He was sleeping on me. Crying was exhausting, I understood. His soft snores were the only sounds echoing through the wing. When he breathed out, it hit the skin of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His lips were millimeters away from my skin. I didn't want him to kiss me, but it was an indescribable feeling, having him so close to me again. Even when my eyes were threatening closure, I forced myself to stay awake, rubbing his back, petting his hair, whatever he needed to feel calm, I would do. Niall had spent so long making sure I was safe, now it was my turn. I didn't take this moment for granted. Tonight, I was his protector, and I don't think I'll ever get that opportunity ever again. His ego wouldn't allow it. He's too stubborn to admit that he needed someone watching out for him, so I didn't ask him to say it, I just did it anyway.

It's funny how we sacrifice basic necessities for certain people and it doesn't even feel like we're losing anything.

I hadn't even noticed the sun rising. There was only one window in the main wing, and my view of it was blocked by a bookshelf. The only way I knew it was morning was because of the sunlight hitting the wall turning golden, and the birds beginning to chirp outside.

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