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Song recommendation: S.O.S by The Glorious Sons


I just graduated college.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

The Academy.

"My girl's first day at the police academy." Gran looked like she was going to tear up. "I remember my first day like it was yesterday."

"I don't know Gran that was almost fifty years ago. I wouldn't be able to remember that." I said light heartedly.

"I remember the men treating me like shit."

"Oh." I frowned.

"Don't let them stomp on you Ophelia." She looked me straight in the eyes. "They may have biceps and dicks but you've got brains. You'll be a detective before they've even figured out how to start up a computer."

"What if the men are just as smart?" I shook my head.

"Trust me dear, you'll never meet a man that's competent enough."


"I just put a mass murderer in jail!" Horan announced as he strolled into the bullpen with a confidence that sparked immediate rage within me. His confidence was like a mosquito flying around your bedroom at night that you just can't kill. It's there, but there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, so you just have to listen to the infuriating humming around your ears all night.

"Oh great so you're doing your job." I muttered to him as he walked to his desk.

"What happened?" Tomlinson turned his chair away from his computer. It looked like he was currently tracking a few guys for Styles.

"I made a lawyer cry." Horan pulled off his grey suit jacket, leaving him in a white button up and the matching suit pants.

"Why would you do that? I'm sure she was embarrassed." I frowned. It was unprofessional to act like a douchebag in court, especially if you're a woman.

"He was." He smirked. "But think about it Phil, he was advocating freedom for a murderer who killed not one, not two, but seven people. Who's morally in the right here?"

"You made a grown man cry?" Tomlinson laughed in disbelief. "How the fuck did you pull that off?"

"The key is asserting your dominance." He leaned back in his chair, taking up as much space as possible with a cocky grin. There's the mosquito. I want it dead.

"I don't think that has anything to do with evidence in the trial." I stated.

"Have you been in court yet?" Horan adjusted his glasses.

"Of course I have. And I've never made a lawyer cry." I made a disgusted face. "I've never needed to."

"Have they made you cry?"



Most of the time.

Yes. I hate lawyers.

"You can't let them stomp all over you kid." He advised me. "They think they've got these massive cocks because they took like seven years of school."

"I know that." I assured him. "I can guarantee all of you that I'd make a kickass lawyer with only half the schooling."

"You can definitely argue that's for sure." Horan gave me a quick look up and down. "Anyway, I bet this spaghetti noodle here could do more pushups than the pussy who testified today." He gestured to Tomlinson with a nod.

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