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Song recommendation: Love Story by Taylor Swift

"Bella!" There were loud knocks hitting the wood on my bedroom door.

My foggy consciousness wasn't prepared to hear those booming sounds so early. Knocks on the door? Bodies hitting the ground? Gunshots? They were hard to differentiate. I shot up quickly, fearing for the latter. I let out a sharp exhale. My body wasn't fully awake yet.

"Arabella let me in!" I heard a muffled gravelly voice say.

'Phil wake up. It's just Styles.' Niall said in my earpiece.


Who was Styles?


"Shit!" I jumped up out of my bed and ran to answer the door.

"What the fuck?" His eyebrows furrowed when he saw me. He looked much more awake than I did. His hair was tied up in a bun, he wore a patterned button up shirt, and black skinny jeans with sunglasses sitting atop his head.

"I'm sorry, I was still sleeping." I rubbed my eyes.

"Obviously." He laughed. "Can I come in?"

"I guess so." I nodded sleepily.

"I'm just gonna make sure this guy's all closed up." He muttered while clicking the door shut.

"What do you want?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Good morning to you as well." He raised his eyebrows and let out a breath. "I came to see how you were doing."

"I'm doing fine, thank you." I replied simply.

"You've been so on edge lately," he reached out and touched my shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

'Stop touching her.' Niall said even though he wasn't going to be heard.

"Yeah I'm fine." I shrugged away from him. I appreciated the gesture, I just didn't like when people touched me. I know he was just trying to be comforting. Most people would've thought it was sweet.

"I just thought maybe with everything changing so fast, and all that confusing Niall bullshit that-"

My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped open.

"Oh fuck." Styles slapped a hand over his mouth.

'What is he talking about?' Niall said slowly from the mic.

"I don't know what he's talking about, Horan." I replied, emphasizing his name.

"I just-" Styles stuttered. "Before you were on the mic Carter was telling me about how nervous she was that the camera and earpiece wouldn't end up working and she seemed really stressed about it."

"That's what it was." I nodded.

'I see.' He didn't sound convinced.

Styles gave me a worried look, probably wondering whether or not his story worked. I gave him a thumbs up. He didn't have to worry about anything else right now. This was last on the list of our priorities.

"So, what are the plans for today?" I asked, cutting through the tension in the air.

"You've already missed out on half of it." He sat down on the white chair beside the window. "It's noon."

"Noon?" I cried. "Why did you let me sleep so long?"

"I blamed it on jetlag." He chewed on a piece of bright blue gum that I could see moving around in his mouth. "But I think they're having lunch in a few minutes."

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