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Song recommendation: Fire Away by Niall Horan

Hey guess what?


There's some touching in this chapter. It's pretty soft, nothing crazy, but it's there.


Thanks :)

-kallie <3

"So now that we're out," Harry had his signature frown plastered across his face. "How the hell are we getting back? Your workers demolished my car."

"And you demolished my workers." Gorilla countered.

"That's true, but we had good reason to do so." Harry pointed out. "I feel like since you nearly killed my sister, kidnapped all three of us, held a gun to my back, and we still didn't kill you for it, you kinda owe us one."

"That's fair." Gorilla nodded. "Plus, you killed three of my men, but you also replaced them with yourselves. Clean deal."

"Hold on," I stopped his train of thought. "Just to be perfectly clear here, we don't work for you. We work alongside you. This is a partnership, not an employment."

"You're quite outspoken aren't you?" Gorilla turned to me.

"I- uh... I don't."

"Don't sugarcoat it Arabella. You know what you want." I could feel his intense eyes burning into my skull, even through his mask. "It's admirable."

"Thank you." I tried to pull myself together.

"I can give you a ride to a hotel, not to the McBride's." Gorilla explained. "Does anyone need a hospital?"

Niall looked at me. I was by far wounded the most. The cuts on my face and neck were beginning to scab over. I didn't touch them because I knew that they would be sticky, and it would sting. I felt faint, and sore all over, but I couldn't go to the hospital. Not right now. I could wait out the night, and see how it felt.


"I'll be fine." I shook my head, ignoring how much it hurt to move my head. "I think it's just a light concussion."

"That's dangerous." Niall furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"I'm okay. It's just a matter of rest." I assured him.

"Fine." He swallowed, leaning close into me to talk quietly, in a low voice. "But if anything feels wrong, tell me immediately. Don't wait it out. Tell me."

"Okay bud." I brought my hand to his cheek. "It's fine. I'm fine."

"Okay." He let out a breath.

"Are you ready to go?" Gorilla asked in his rough, gritty voice.

I glanced at Niall and Harry before responding.

"Yeah we're ready."

Gorilla led us out into the thunderstorm. The rain pounded down onto me, and it hurt. It hurt so much. The water stung my wounds.

"Babe?" Niall looked over at me, I was falling behind the group.

"I'm okay." I shook my head, trudging through the puddles.

Niall ran over to me, Styles and Gorilla were about twenty feet ahead. I was growing weaker every time I took a step.

"Philly you can't do this." Niall leaned down to talk to me.

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