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Song recommendation: Hope In Hell by Black Pistol Fire



"Ophelia wake up."

"I don't want to."

"Are you pregnant?"

"What?" I sat up immediately, looking at Niall with the most judgemental expression I could muster. I probably looked like the wicked witch from Snow White with my hair all ratted and my sour expression, but I feel like that got my point across even better.

"I mean, you weren't feeling well, we didn't use protection, I'm just worried that-"

"Do you know how this works?" I gestured to my stomach. "Because I don't think I'd know if I'm pregnant after twenty four fucking hours!"

"Could you be pregnant?"

"It's not likely!" I was appalled. "I'm on the pill, and I'm supposed to get my period this week so the chances are super low."

"So that's why you're being difficult."

"Niall Horan!" I gasped.

"I'm kidding. You're always difficult." He grinned tiredly. "But anyway, you're not sick because you're pregnant?"

"Absolutely not." I shook my head.

"Are you feeling better?" He looked worried about me.

"Niall honey I'm not a kid. I'll be okay." I patted his cheek lightly.

"I know I'm just... I don't know. I'm worried about you."

"I'm okay." I assured him. "Now can I go back to sleep?"

"It's eight in the morning."

"It's what?" I looked at the alarm clock. It was in fact eight in the morning. "Did I actually sleep that long?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "I kinda thought you were dead."

"That would be a pretty anticlimactic way to die." I laughed while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "I guess I should probably get up then."

"Only if you're feeling up to it."

"No, you wanted to have fun this weekend." I slid out of the bed. "I don't want you to be distracted by me."

"Don't push yourself I don't want-"

"Niall." I was getting frustrated. "It's fine. I'm fine."

"Okay." He pursed his lips.

After getting dressed and fixing my hair and makeup I was feeling slightly better. I didn't feel like barfing anymore, but I did have a massive headache and my muscles were aching. If that's all it was, then I could suck it up so Niall could live out his rich kid fantasies.

I don't know what part of me thought that living with Niall would be easy, or any man for that matter. I guess I assumed that if we were so good at being detective partners since we were perfectly in sync, then we'd be really good at being roommates. I grossly underestimated my patience for him.

"Niall you keep leaving the toilet seat up!"


"Your socks are on the floor!"

"I'll pick them up!"

"There's toothpaste all over the sink! Do you even rinse after?!"

"I'm sorry I'll clean it!"

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