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Song recommendation: Mirrors by Niall Horan
"Gran." I said over the phone, sobbing.

My roommate Anna had just graduated and moved out. Usually she'd be the one to help comfort me in these situations. But I couldn't be alone right now.

"Ophelia?" Gran sounded concerned. "What's wrong honey?"

"Eric just broke up with me!" I couldn't believe it.

I'd been dating this guy from my law class named Eric for the past three months. I really liked him, which was something I rarely said. He was easy going, but also super professional, and he had a plan for his future. He wasn't just winging it like most of the other guys in my classes. He was tall, handsome, intelligent, and if I'm being brutally honest, really good in bed.

"What?" Gran gasped in shock.

"I know!" I had tears running from my face down onto my t shirt.

"What happened I thought you two were going strong?"

"So did I." I tried to breathe, but the air came in cold and harshly. "But he asked to meet my parents."

"Oh honey." Gran got the point.

"I told him that I couldn't take him to meet them. I told him that they were gone." I recalled the events. "I got emotional over it. I don't know, I'm on my period." I tried to reason with myself. I usually never got emotional over my family, it happened so long ago. "I started crying in front of him and he got frustrated with me. It wasn't even like I was full on sobbing or anything! He told me that if I got sad every time he brought up my parents then he'd leave."

"Well did you tell him off?"

"Of course I did! It was the last straw for him. He picked up his things and left." I sighed.

"Remember what I told you about men?" Gran asked.

"You've told me so many things Gran."

"About the emotional intelligence." She explained. "This is a prime example of an emotionally stupid man. You need someone better than that."

"I think that maybe I'll take a break from dating for a while." I decided.

"For how long do you reckon?"

"Just until I get settled in New York."

"That's more than a year away my girl!" Gran exclaimed.

"I know." I nodded even though she couldn't see me through the phone. "I'll focus on my job, and then I'll focus on finding a nice boy."

"Oh Philly." Gran laughed in exasperation.

I'd take a break from dating, and I'll take a break from getting emotional until... forever I guess?


"Hey Philly!" Zara smiled as I walked up to the counter of Buzz's Coffee Shop. I'd only recently found out the name of the shop.

"Hi." I pushed past my fatigue to be nice to Zara.

"How have you been?" She started making my coffee. Her bouncy brown curls were tied up into a fluffy bun at the top of her head and she had a light blue apron tied around her waist and neck. I'm convinced she was the only person who could make the uniform look cute.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm exhausted." I admitted with a soft smile.

"I'll put in an extra shot of espresso." She worked around the machines.

"Oh my god you're a lifesaver." I let out a breath of relief.

Zara and I had become decently good friends over the past two months. I'd come to Buzz's almost every morning, and when I didn't she'd always have a coffee or tea ready for me when I left work. Even if Zara wasn't a police officer, she worked just as hard as we did. The severity was just a little different. Although Styles is a little scary without caffeine pumping through him.

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