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Song recommendation: Vienna by Billy Joel


'The subtle art of making enemies'

"So, you and Horan?" Zara leaned forward across the counter.

"What?" My eyes went wide. "What are you talking about?"

"You two have been sneaking around the city an awful lot recently."

"I really have no clue-"

"I saw you out for breakfast a few weeks ago. Who goes out for breakfast at six in the morning if they're not trying to hide something?" She looked so set on her theory.

"How did you see us?"

"That cafe is literally in my apartment building." She laughed.

"Oh shit." I realized. How hadn't I remembered that?

"So you admit it, you guys have a thing going on?" She swirled the straw around in my iced coffee.

"No, we don't." I assured her. "We were just on a case. Don't worry about it."

"I didn't know cases involved sunrise breakfast dates."

"It wasn't a date Zara!" I said a little too loudly.

"Phil went out on a date?" Horan slid up close beside me, like he'd just appeared out of thin air.

"I think she did." Zara nodded smugly. "You would know for sure though."

"Who decided to shack up with you?" He looked at me with concern through his glasses. He ran out of contacts again. It happened every month and he always forgot to order in advance.

"It wasn't a date!" I slammed my hand down on the counter in exasperation. "It was just breakfast with a friend."

"Oh!" Horan's eyes went wide in realization. "A friend hey?" His expression turned smug.

"I mean-"

"No, no, I'll take it." He leaned on his elbow, turning his whole body to me, giving me a quick look up and down. "I'll see you at briefing, bestie." He walked away to the elevator with the stupidest strut.

"He is so into you." Zara kept her eyes on him.

"No he's not." I frowned.

"Are you blind? Because I know you're not stupid." Zara gave me a worried look.

"And I know that he's not stupid enough to be into me when he knows I hate him." I took a sip of my coffee, feeling the instant relief of caffeine.

"Or maybe that just makes him want you more." She suggested. "Ever heard of playing hard to get?"

"I am hard to get. Especially if I don't want him." I shook my head.

"Come on Philly, he's smart, he's funny, and he's hot as fuck! There's nothing wrong with him."

"Why don't you just fuck him then if he's so perfect?" I huffed before stomping to the elevator.

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