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Song recommendation: Machine by Scott Helman

I left Niall one month ago.

Throughout that month, I had never felt lonelier. Niall and I shared one incredible night together, before parting ways.

The morning after that memorable time at the hotel, Niall had woken me up with the sweetest of kisses. He was gentle, soft, and warm, almost as if he didn't want to wake me up. Being the light sleeper that I was, it woke me up instantly.

I groaned and rolled over to face him. Somehow we had positioned ourselves into spooning throughout the night. He opted for being the big spoon. I admired the sight in front of me. His morning face never ceased to amaze me. His lips parted slightly, letting out slow streams of air. His eyelids were heavy, but his gaze didn't waver from me. His cheeks were flushed red, and splotchy, like he'd never really come down from his high of the night before.

"And this is where it ends." He spoke in a hoarse morning voice.

The realization hit me like a train, and I was tied to the tracks. My night of freedom was over, and I was being sentenced back to the prison that the McBride's called home. I let out a heavy sigh as my heart sank to my stomach.

"I don't want to go back." I whispered.

"I know." He replied, pulling me in a little closer, providing extra support to my emotionally fragile body. "But just think, you've made it this far. Remember all the glory that comes with solving this case."

The scene flashed through my mind. Being awarded for my bravery, getting a bonus on my salary, having a medal to frame on my desk. My desk across from Niall, who I've finally gone on a proper date with, who no longer has to worry about whether or not I was lying dead somewhere. I could go home to a real house, knowing that I had somewhere permanent to live. Knowing that my family was safe.

My family was safe.

Was my family safe?

Were they even alive?

"What are you thinking about?" Niall interrupted my spiral.

I contemplated my options. None seemed like they would satisfy his question.


"Ophelia." He gave me an annoyed look. "What's going on?"

"Why does something have to be going on? Can't I just be quiet?" I defended nervously. I couldn't tell him just yet. I was too scared of what he'd say.

"No. You've got that look."

"What look?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's what you do when you're thinking too hard." He sighed. "Your eyes go blank and it looks like your brain just decided to leave the moment. It happens all the time, like when you were faking desk duty. You would just zone out for minutes at a time. I always wondered what you were thinking about."

"I'm thinking about nothing." I shook my head lightly.

"God Phil I thought we were past this already." He rolled his eyes before letting go of me and slipping out of the bed in a frustrated whirlwind.

"Niall-" I tried to pull him back, but he was just out of reach.

"You're so stubborn you know that?" He told me off while he pulled on his boxers with his back to me.  "Like you could just-"

"It was my family." I stated clearly. "I was thinking about my family." I sat up, covering myself with the white blanket.

"What?" He turned around with a confused frown plastered on his face. "Why?"

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