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Song Recommendation: Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin


Living with Niall had gotten easier. I don't know if it was because we were back from the Hamptons, or if we were just doing better in general, but things were getting easier.

"What are you doing?" He raised an eyebrow at me from the bedroom door.

"Work." I sighed, flipping through the case files that Nick had dropped off for me earlier.

"You're still working after what Julian did to you?"

"Yeah." I rubbed my eyes. I had a huge headache. I needed to stop reading in the dim light. "It's getting me good info on where they have sites. It'll be easier to storm them later on if we have a good idea of who we need to contact for backup."

"Phil you're going to overwork yourself. We just got home an hour ago." He walked over and sat beside me. He rested his chin on my shoulder, overlooking the files in my hand.

"What's up with you?" I was curious.

"Am I doing something wrong?" He moved back.

"No not at all." I shook my head frantically. "I was just wondering."

"Oh." He relaxed.

"Come back." I patted my shoulder.

"I'm just bored." He returned his chin to my shoulder. "I've got no work do to."

"We'll find you something." I rubbed my eyes again.

"You have a headache?"

"A little one yeah." I nodded.

It was actually huge. It hurt to blink.

"You're lying to me."

"Don't worry about me."

"I am. Put this down, it's almost eleven. You shouldn't be working so late." He took the case files out of my hands, placing them down of the coffee table, and grabbing my hands again to keep them from reaching for the file again.

"I just miss doing actual police work." I complained. "It is my passion if you didn't know."

"Oh I know Detective Philly." He laughed. "I know."

"What do you suggest we do instead of work?" I looked at him.

"I was thinking maybe some blankets and a movie?" He reached for the blanket behind me.

"Which movie were you thinking?"

"Romeo and Juliet?"

"Original or nineties version?" I raised an eyebrow, praying he'd pick the right one.

"Original of course." He scoffed.

"You just became a million times more attractive." I stared at him.

"Didn't think that was possible." He grabbed the tv remote.

"Shut up." I hit him lightly on the shoulder.

He looked through Netflix and found the original 1958 version of Romeo and Juliet.

"Should I turn the lights off?" He asked.

"Please." I nodded.

He groaned as he stood up and walked over to the light switch. I couldn't help but admire him while he walked. His back and arms looked incredible in his fitted grey long sleeve shirt. He wore sports shorts showing off his muscular legs, and he wore his glasses too. We were alone, so nobody would recognize him. It was easier on his eyes. It was easy on my eyes too if you know what I mean.

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