【Chapter 4】

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Schlatt awoke to the sound of voices, he groaned, his eyes flickered open. He could hear voices from the other room; the door was wide open. However he couldn't see the people the voices belonged to.

"I don't get it Liz, why kidnap Schlatt?" He recognized the voice as Phil. "So he doesn't get in the way. Will wants no obstacles after Quackity's interference" Lizzie explained.

"Wil?" Phil asked Lizzie, "yes Wilbur Soot, our leader" Phil went silent at Lizzie's response. "Wilbur... Soot? What was his last name?" Phil said hopefully, Lizzie confusedly replied "uh... Minecraft? Why?".

Phil laughed, "Lizzie, that's my last name, Wilbur Soot Minecraft is the name of my Eldest son. I thought he was dead!" Phil explained, his voice filled with happiness.

"Are my second eldest and youngest alive as well?!" Phil asked Lizzie. "I am unsure Phil, I don't know their names". Lizzie replied "right right" Phil said "their names are Techno Blade Minecraft and Tommy Innit Minecraft".

Lizzie went quiet as if thinking. "Wait, their your sons?!" Lizzie asked with a hint of surprise. "Yes they are", Phil replied, "they're some of Wilbur's best generals. I'm not sure he even know's their his brothers" Lizzie said still shocked at what Phil told her.

"I'm so happy" Phil said, Schlatt could tell Phil was crying. "Where is he?" Phil asked, "their meeting at the great oak tonight" Lizzie explained. "Thank you Liz!" Phil said Schlatt saw him run past the door then out of view once more.

He heard another door open then slam shut, Lizzie stood in front of the door shadowing Schlatt from the light. "Well Schlatt" it's time to come with me


Lizzie had injected Schlatt with something which made his body obedient to her commands. Schlatt hated being talked to as if he was some kind of pet. Lizzie was a person he suspected the least. But now here he was following her commands like some kind of dog to a human.

Schlatt growled at Lizzie who just ignored him. Schlatt stopped hoping she would get far enough away to break the connection between them. However Lizzie stopped and frowned, "follow." she said sternly, Schlatt followed the command and followed her once more.

Eventually they came across a clearing with seven people, Phil was one of them he was talking to someone, a brunette with light brown eyes. He had a white streak through his hair, and a happy expression.

The other five in the clearing stared.

One was leaning on a tree. He had pink hair which was long and braided. It ran down to his knees, he wore a golden crown on his head. He had ocean blue eyes and wore a stone cold expression, his outfit consisted of a red cape attached to a ring of fur at the top which rested on his shoulders.

However it didn't go all the way around, it opened in the front and was kept from falling off by two small gold plates attached to two pieces of string. He wore a white dress shirt, gray pants, and a pair of black boots. On his waist he had a sword holster which had a gold blade inside it. The blade was dazzled in small gems on the outer rim of it. He had a crossbow attached to his back and a bag of fireworks beside him.

The second, the most hyper of the seven, was young, maybe seventeen of age, he had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He looked like a young version of Phil. he wore a white T-shirt with red sleeves, he had khaki pants and red and white tennis shoes. A quiver of arrows sat on his back and a bow rested in his hand.

The third had blonde hair and purple eyes, he had a smile on his face. He wore a purple hoodie, dark gray pants, and purple tennis shoes. He twisted a diamond sword in his hand.

The fourth had half white half black hair. Schlatt was unable to pinpoint just how old he was because of his height. He had a red eye on the white side and a green eye on the black. He looked more mature than the 17 year old. His outfit was a suit with a red tie.

The fifth was a tall light blonde haired male with blue eyes. Around six foot tall, he wore a white hoodie with two stripes down the sides of the sleeves. with black ripped jeans, and white sneakers with gold strings. He wore a gold chain with a locket attached to it around his neck.

Oh lord help me... Schlatt thought with a hint of worry. Lizzie stopped and waited for Phil to quit talking. The pink and blonde haired male joined them, "I can't believe it's actually you!" the seventeen year old said excitedly. "Me neither Tommy" Phil smiled.

Tommy turned to the pink haired boy "are you happy Techno?" he asked. Techno nodded, "Will, what now?" Techno asked the brunette, "now we wait".

"Stay quiet" Lizzie commanded. "I'm here Wilbur," she said, pushing Schlatt onto the ground "sit up" she growled, Schlatt followed the command sitting up on his knees.

Humiliated Schlatt's head hung low, he heard Wilbur hum. Schlatt flinched at the sound of footsteps, Wilbur crouched down in front of him, "hello Schlatt" he cooed, Schlatt looked up, looking into a dangerous brown stare. Schlatt glared at him. "You" he growled "let me go this instant" the taller male barely even flinched at the younger's dangerous tone.

"You're very rude," Wilbur growled, Schlatt continued to glare. He let out an angry tsk, this pissed Wilbur off, he grabbed Schlatt's throat tightly. Schlatt gasped for air as he gripped Wilbur's wrist, Wilbur lifted him off the ground. Tears streamed down Schlatt's face, "Wilbur stop!" Phil cried out "you'll kill him!".

Wilbur turned to him, tightening his grip on Schlatt's throat. "That's the point Phil, it's just one less alpha to deal with" Wilbur snarled. "Will he can be useful, we can use him as leverage"

Wilbur's grip loosened on Schlatt's throat, until finally Schlatt was dropped. As he hit the ground the little air he had gained was knocked out of him. Schlatt coughed and gasped as he breathed in air for the first time in what seemed like forever.

Wilbur just stared at Schlatt with an amused smirk as Schlatt coughed. Schlatt panted heavily, his vision growing blurry, he heard Wilbur sigh as Schlatt collapsed, closing his eyes for the second time of the night.

Words - 1099

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