【chapter 29】

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Patrick felt weird, the formal suit was decently comfortable despite its material. The hat on the other hand felt heavy in his hair, Eret was in the lead and he got nervous as the sound of talking echoed through the halls. Eret opened the door and strided in with confidence that not even Patrick could Muster.

Eret looked regal in his long gown, when Patrick entered the room he spotted Purpled on the other side of the large group. He was glaring at... him? When Patrick turned to look behind him and realized Purpled wasn't looking at him but at Eret and Punz. (jealous boi) Patrick still wondered what happened. As he approached Purpled he realized the male seemed to be holding back tears.

"What's wrong Purpled?" Patrick asked, Purpled looked at him, his glimmering amethyst eyes brimming with tears. "I fucked up Patrick...." he muttered, "what did you do?" Patrick replied, he sat Purpled down. "I started ignoring Luke and now he won't talk to me when I try to apologize," Purpled said. Tears started coming, staining his cheeks. "Why did you start ignoring Luke?" Patrick asked. "Because Eret told me bad things about him and I believed him. He framed me!" Purpled spat.

"You and Luke have been friends for so long, no matter what. You guys will make up no matter what fight you're going through" Patrick explained. Purpled looked at him then at Eret and Punz "but now he's manipulated Punz into hating me... he looks so much... happier with him" Purpled said. (not a ship)

"Grayson, I can't help you with your problems. Luke won't accept your apology from me, but he will from you. And only you, it must come from your mouth, not mine, not anyone else's, yours" Purpled sighed

Purpled stood up, "ok i'll do it" he said and started walking towards Eret and Punz. but was stopped by a clinking of a metal stick on a glass. Everyone turned to Wilbur who was standing at the top of the steps to the main room. He wore a long black trench coat and ruby's for buttons his shirt was red and he wore black fingerless gloves. Wilbur's gray pants were ripped up to just above his knees. His boots were red.

"Now that I have everyone's attention I want to say thank you for being able to return for this amazing event in history," Wilbur started. "Champaign?" Patrick turned and saw Ranboo "thank you" he nodded. Ranboo wore an outfit that wasn't red in color. He wore a normal black suit with a white dress shirt underneath and gray pants along with black boots. Ranboo wore a black and white mask, the white side was trimmed in a green color and the black in gold. The only thing that was actually red was his tie.

Ranboo gave a slight bow and went to stand beside Tubbo in the crowd. "May I sit here?" Techno asked, Patrick nodded and patted the seat beside him. Techno nodded and sat down. He crossed his left leg over his right and leaned back on the table. His hair was shorter because most of it was in a braid. There were two braids in his hair. One that ran down the length of his hair and one that sat on the front and dangled down.

Techno also wasn't wearing red his outfit was black and gold fitted with a black mask rimmed with gold trim. Though before he could ask Wilbur started talking again. "But i'm rambling, I should probably get to the reason for this party, tonight I will show you the e-" Wilbur was cut off by people dropping down from the roof. Shrieks of terror filled the room, the sound of glass dropping hitting the floor with a loud shattering sound.

One of them went for Wilbur, Patrick noticed the unmistakable orange hair of Fundy. He aimed his attack straight at Wilbur's heart. Everyone was shocked and their fight or flight reflexes were in control. No one would notice until it was too late Wilbur would have died.

Fundy tackled Wilbur to the ground but Wilbur grabbed the blade of the knife Fundy was holding. Fundy pushed hard against Wilbur's grip but it was apparent Wilbur was still lost and overtaken with shock. But before Fundy could land the killing blow. He was thrown off by Dream, who grabbed Fundy by the throat and threw him across the room into a wall. Fundy layed there slightly dazed, Patrick turned to Techno but he was gone.

He spotted Techno fighting with a black haired male he knew as Sapnap. Techno seemed to be one of the only people who had the fight rather than the flight side of their reflexes besides Niki, Eret, Tommy, Punz, Sky, and Drista.

Patrick looked around and spotted Dream get cut by Fundy's blade. Schlatt had come up to the platform and was sitting beside Wilbur helping him regain himself. Patrick ran full speed towards them. Dream got cut again on his lip, "Clay!" he heard George scream, he stood in between Fundy and Dream and took the third attack from the orange haired. Blood poured from a new wound ranging from his eyebrow to his cheek. "George! What are you doing? get out of the way!"

"No, I won't let you hurt him!" the smaller screamed, Eret came out of nowhere, grabbed Fundy from behind, and pushed him to the ground. Patrick could have sworn Fundy blushed a bit. He reached Wilbur and Schlatt who was trying to help him stand though Wilbur's weight was too heavy for him. Patrick got to him and helped Schlatt stand Wilbur. He was slightly still under shock, Patrick shook him and Wilbur seemed to snap out of it.

"Wilbur we need to go!" Patrick snapped. "You need to shift," Schlatt said, shifting into his wolf form. Patrick did the same but worried for Wilbur falling, instead the younger transformed as well. Dream and George shifted as well and ran up to the trio. Eret still had Fundy pinned though the smaller down "run!" Eret cried. Fundy growled and pushed against Eret, knocking him over in the process.

"Follow me" Patrick yelled and led them out through a secret passageway Wilbur had Patrick make. They fled through the tunnel, their paws drumming against the hard stone floors. They kept running for what felt like forever, eventually the tunnel rose and emerged on the other side.

The sounds of fighting were farther away now but he could still hear them even from this far away. "Come on," Dream said, leading them into the forest behind them. The sound of leaves crunching under their paws were sounding the coming winter.

They eventually came to a clearing with a river and they shifted back to regain their stamina. Dream dropped beside the river and started cleaning his wounds. "Wilbur are you ok?!" Schlatt said urgently checking him over, his coat was slightly cut; it seemed to catch something on the fall. Wilbur looked ok despite his ripped coat but everything seemed ok. The only ones hurt seemed to be Dream and George.

When Dream finished cleaning his wounds he beckoned George over. George sat beside Dream as the younger started cleaning his wounds. George winced as Dream ran his fingers over the wound.

"We need to regain our energy back and then-" Wilbur started before a loud growl sounded and an orange wolf jumped at Wilbur's throat. The orange wolf cut it open and landed with a graceful thud. Fundy shifted.

Wilbur held his throat and Fundy stood looking at him with an angered expression. Wilbur laughed weakly, "why are you laughing!" Fundy yelled, "because Fundy, there's a reason I never went after you. There's a reason for all of this" Wilbur explained through coughs and gags. "Oh yeah then explain you bastard!" Fundy screamed in anger through tears.

"There are only four words I must say to you" Wilbur was cut off by another wave of blood pouring from his mouth, his body spasming for a second. In between coughs he managed to sputter out only four words before he collapsed. "I'm your father, Fundy," Wilbur gagged out. Fundy froze, "no" he muttered, "NO!" Fundy yelled, seeming to register the event that just took place.

The Electric Star pack had entered the clearing for Wilbur's last words. They gasped in horror, Blood pack followed with smug grins on their face.

Patrick, terrified, ran up to join the other spies at the top of the hill. He stood in the middle staring down at the gruesome scene below.

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