【chapter 26】

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Patrick opened his eyes with a start, his head pounded and his body felt weak. He groaned as he sat up. He stared into hazel eyes for a solid minute before speaking. "Schlatt?" he said in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, do you feel ok? Are you in pain?" Schlatt asked, Patrick looked around seeing the white walls and red stripes of the medical ward. "Schlatt? Why are you here?" he asked in confusion but before Schlatt could reply. The door opened, Ross and Drista stood in the doorway. "Thank you Schlatt, for waiting with him while Wilbur got us, he went to go get Callum, Dream, and George" Drista said.

Ross approached and dropped down beside Patrick. He grabbed his arm and started feeling around it applying pressure to spots to determine how much pain the white haired male was feeling. As he moved onto the other arm Wilbur burst through the door.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, "Patrick!" he said in a happy tone. "Honestly glad you're not dead" Dream stated. Wilbur glared at him giving a reproachful gaze to the other. Wilbur turned back to Patrick but before he could say anything Callum spoke up. "You lunatic!, you're an idiot to think we could take an alpha head on!" Callum snapped, his tone was rash and his glare was filled with anger.

Callum may look immaculate and innocent though when you get to know him, he could be scary as hell. Ross ran his hand carefully across a bruise making Patrick wince even at the gentle touch. Soon Wilbur, Schlatt, and Dream vacated the room to talk as Ross walked over to his medicine cabinet.

Sky walked in along with Max, "yay, snow's awake!" Snow was Sky's nickname for Patrick because of his white hair. Despite Patrick's injuries and that his body ached with pain he was tempted to stand up and throttle the younger male.

But before he could even move to get up Ross had returned with medicine for his wounds.


By the time Ross finished putting ointment on his bruises Drista had brought a change of clothes. Sky and Max had retreated from the room under Patrick's deadly glare.

When he finished getting changed, the door opened. "Hey Patrick, can I talk to you?" Wilbur asked. Patrick nodded and followed Wilbur out. As they left the room Drista, Ross, Dream, Schlatt, and Wilbur stood outside. Sky and Max were as good as gone.

"We wanna know if you're gonna go back to the Nightsky pack or stay here to help us in Blood Pack" Schlatt stated. "I would rather stay here because I don't know how i'm going to explain my injuries or where Dream went." Patrick muttered. "Ok i need you to do something for me, tonight you're going to take this letter to Eret, Niki, and Punz in the Electric Star Pack" Wilbur explained, "do you think you can do that?" he asked.

"Yes" Patrick said grabbing the letter, everyone went their separate ways leaving Patrick alone. "Wait... why is Punz in the Electric Star Pack?" he questioned himself.

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