【Chapter 10】

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Clay growled at them and shifted into a beautiful dirty blonde colored wolf. Patrick challenged him with another growl and shifted as well, his white form was smaller than Clay's. Callum seeing nothing else he could do in this situation shifted as well. Callum enjoyed the sensation of letting his wolf out, until he remembered the predicament they were in.

Both Callum and Patrick were smaller than Clay but it was probably because Clay was stronger and an alpha.

Callum, can you hear me? Patrick asked through the mind link, few wolves were able to do it and it was only doable if both parties had a good relationship with each other.

Yeah, how are we supposed to do this? Clay's larger and stronger Callum growled. Follow my lead Callum chose to listen, Clay lunged at Patrick but he dodged underneath. He flicked his tail at Callum to follow, Callum grabbed the gem and followed him.

He could smell Clay's scent go from angry to infuriated. They ran for the light at the end of the tunnel, the closer they got the brighter the end of the tunnel became. Callum could sense Clay was right on their tail. Even though he and Patrick were faster Clay wasn't having trouble keeping up.

Soon the light at the end of the tunnel became blinding as Patrick disappeared into it. Callum picked up the pace and soon was met by trees, the moonlit sky shone overhead. The stars sparkled like a million diamonds on a black sheet.

Patrick led Callum into the forest, "come on Callum climb!" Patrick said, starting to climb a tree, "but Patrick we're wolves not cats!" Callum gasped out. He could hear the sound of Clay behind them trampling leaves.

Patrick heard it too, "Climb now i'll explain in a second" he snapped and climbed up, Callum listened and climbed another tree nearby. As he climbed Patrick had rested on the lowest branch, Callum followed and did the same. Clay appeared through the undergrowth, Callum looked at Patrick.

He was in a pouncing stance. No, he's not suggesting what I think he is right? Callum thought unbelievingly, Patrick was crouched low to the branch. Callum crouched down as well copying Patrick's stance, he didn't think this would work.

Three.. Patrick said through the mind link as Clay approached closer to their trees, he was looking around confused. Two. Clay looked around sniffing around, Callum pushed himself further down onto the branch. ONE!

Both Callum and Patrick launched themselves out of the trees and onto Clay's back, Callum landed awkwardly. Clay jumped in surprise and tried to shake them off. Callum dug his claws into Clay's back while Patrick bit down on the back of his neck. Clay howled in pain and tried to throw them off.

He managed to unbalance Callum and he fell off, Callum landed with a thud but stood up nonetheless. When Clay threw Patrick off he turned on Callum, Patrick landed awkwardly and didn't get up.

Callum couldn't kill Clay; he was too weak compared to the alpha. Callum charged at Clay, the alpha tensed ready for the olders attack. Callum dropped onto his back and slid under the alpha touching his paws onto the front legs to draw his attention from the main target.

Callum aimed his paws for Clay's nerves on his legs, he applied a single swipe on both legs at the same time. Clay yelped in surprise as his legs buckled beneath him. He hit the ground paralized. Callum bit down roughly on the wound Patrick created letting the taste of blood fill his mouth.

Clay finally passed out, his blood was running, but his breathing was calm.

Callum had done it, he had taken down an alpha.

Words - 627

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