【chapter 28】

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"Wilbur what is this all about?" Eret asked Wilbur, Punz stood not far away, almost right beside Eret. Patrick had realized Purpled staying away from Punz, which was unusual. They were practically brothers, what happened.

"I wanted to tell everyone that we're going to have a banquet tonight, then tomorrow morning we'll take over the other four packs," Wilbur announced. "Sounds like a great idea!" Punz stated, "I know right?" the brunette asked. Punz nodded.

"When will it happen?" Eret asked, "tonight at nine o'clock" Wilbur asked. Dream had appeared out of the corner of Patrick's eye, a familiar male followed him, Drista tailed them as they ran over to Patrick. "Patrick!" Dream called. "Do you know George?" he asked. The blondes hoodie was slightly dirty and off lime from his vibrant green. Though it needed to be washed, honestly not Patrick's problem.

"No i'm afraid we've never met before" Patrick stated, "oh, well George this is Patrick" Dream said gesturing to him. "Hey," Patrick said, raising his hand slightly. "And Patrick this is George my-"

"Patrick we aren't dating!"

George giggled, "hello Patrick" he said, the white haired male smiled. "Well let's go get changed back into our outfits for tonight" Dream said. "Agreed," Patrick laughed. The four of them said nothing as they went their separate ways. Patrick strode down the hall as he got to his door he opened it and breathed in the calming scent of his room.

Someone had lit the candle Patrick had. It was somewhat recent. In the middle of the room a mannequin sat. It was red and bore a red hat with a black ribbon tied around it. Another black ribbon was tied around the waist and on the left leg. On the leg it wrapped around it three times.

The outfit itself was a beautiful crimson color. "Woah" he immediately put it on there was a pair of black gloves on his night stand he grabbed them and put them on.

Patrick looked amazing in red. He left his room and met up with George and Dream who were walking together. "Hey!" he said excitedly. "Hey, you look good!" Dream called as Patrick stopped beside them. Dream wore a red suit with a red tie, a chain hung off his belt. And a mask rested on his head. George however was wearing a red coat and a red tie over a black dress shirt.

"You two look amazing as well"

"Hello!" Eret called from behind them, he was wearing a long red dress (his dress for the red banquet) and it flowed down to the floor. It was gorgeous. Punz was wearing a normal red suit but kept it unbuttoned.

"Well let's go to the party" Eret smiled.

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