【chapter 30】

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Patrick stared in horror as the man he'd seen as his leader had blood leaking from his throat. Tears streamed down Wilburs face as he choked on his own blood. Finally he closed his eyes and his heaving breaths ceased, Wilbur was dead.

Everyone around him was silent from shock, Fundy stood over him covered in blood with a horrified expression. Patrick gritted his teeth, his mind filled with rage. "You bastard!" he yelled, taking Fundy by surprise, the orange haired male was still in shock. He looked at the others who were beside him then at Fundy once more. "ATTACK!" he cried out.

Everyone gasped again, as he shifted into his white wolf form the first ones to launch into battle were Techno and Callum. Rae followed, launching herself at Callahan. They growled viciously as they tustled.

"NOW!" Rae's voice rang throughout the clearing of angered snarls and growls. Then dozens of wolves fell from the trees like running water launching into battle.

The others beside him howled before running to help. Lizzie, Squid, Jessica, Niki, Eret, And finally Patrick. Together they fought tooth and claw. The Wildfire pack had streamed into the clearing as well.

And were fighting on Bloodpack's side, the clearing was stained with blood in minutes. Wolves fighting Wolves, Alyssa dodged a large white wolf easily biting on their neck. Rae and Fundy were circling each other growling in anger.

Patrick launched himself at a young she-wolf just about his age; the stench of the Electric star pack was covering her fur. She crouched down and jumped ready to pounce.

And when she did he was ready he waited until she was right above him to move. He dived underneath her, his white fur catching the wind in his quick movements.

Surprised the female wolf landed with a stumble, Patrick whipped around and nipped at her hind leg. She yelped and fled from the fight.

He gasped as he was tackled from behind, he scented a new scent: the ocean moon pack. Patrick's eyes widened as teeth dug into his neck. He pushed up against the wolf pinning him and managed to make him let go.

Patrick glared at a very familiar wolf "hello Corpse" Patrick spat venom in his tone. The other's pelt was black with a pair of purple eyes to compliment it.

Corpse snarled at him before lunging for Patrick's neck, Patrick moved to the side but wasn't ready for the trick Corpse had up his sleeve. Corpse spun around and aimed his claws at Patrick's side, drawing blood.

The crimson liquid spilled out of his white fur and he realized more wolves had come into the clearing.

He chuckled at Corpse and ran into the fighting mess.

He spotted Fundy retreating out of the clearing covered in bruises and blood. Fundy's fur was almost entirely red; the orange was barely visible.

He knew Corpse was still following him so he jumped up, making Corpse slow to a stop but not in time. Patrick landed squarely on his shoulders and bit into the back of his neck.

Corpse stood in shock and tried to figure out what to do, suddenly Corpse rolled over on his back knocking Patrick off. Patrick gasped as the weight knocked the breath out of him.

Corpse pinned him and lunged for his throat but Patrick was quicker he bit down first making Corpse jump back in surprise. Corpse regained his balance and aimed for Patrick's throat once more.

However Patrick was ready, he dodged the attack and raked his claws down Corpse's side drawing alot more blood. Corpse collapsed on his side, extremely weak.

But before Patrick could land the killing blow another wolf charged from the battle claws extended straight at Patrick's throat.

Patrick's eyes widened as blood poured from a now open gash in his neck.

It wasn't deep enough to draw enough blood to kill him, but it was deep enough to send pain straight through him. "Thanks Sykkuno," Corpse said, standing on his legs once more.
"No problem" both were glaring at him, "you're a traitor Sykkuno!" Patrick snarled.

Patrick glared at him, backed away and ran up a hill in the clearing. Now standing taller than anyone in the battle, Patrick stared at the fight below.

He knew they weren't going to win this, Patrick growled now that Wilbur was dead they were without a leader. Many of Blood Pack were getting injured and Patrick finally accepted they weren't going to win.

"Retreat!" Patrick called, gaining the attention of Blood Pack. Quickly they retreated out of the clearing passing Patrick. He caught a whiff of many fear scents at once.

Rae and Techno were the last to come up the clearing; they stood beside Patrick growling and snarling at the wolves below.

"That's right, run you cowards!" Sam yelled, earning a growl from Rae. Patrick narrowed his eyes and let out a disgusted tsk before telling Rae and Techno to stand down. Hesitantly they did, Techno still glared as Patrick gestured with his tail that it was time to leave. Patrick walked out of the clearing head held high.

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