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"Who was that?" Louis asks, confused, when Zayn returns

"A footie player. And he's in my Algebra class, sits right by me"

"So... he's a friend?" Louis raises his eyebrows

"Uh- we, yeah, we know each other"

"You hugged him" Louis continues

"Just being friendly" Zayn nods

"Mm.. okay.. anyways, then he called me short! Said I was the height of a middle schooler!" Louis continues ranting about who he is always ranting about

Zayn hides a snicker and dares to glance back where Niall had been, and he sees the blonde entering the library.

* * *

Harry ignores Niall's text and silently waters his Zen Garden on his phone. He loves his little Zen app. It lets him take his mind off the fact that he's hiding in a toilet. Well, he isn't really hiding.. he's just.. taking a break. A small break so that he doesn't have to sit with a table full of people at lunch. People who maybe don't like him. People who are friends with his only friend.

And he always worries that they'll steal Niall from him.

Speaking of Niall, the blonde had brought his favorite crackers. He loves Niall- Not like a boyfriend, but like a brother. A brother that brings his favorite foods to school for him because he knows that Harry doesn't like cafeteria food.

Suddenly, he hears the bathroom door open

"He's cute" one guy says

"Ask him out then! He sits in front of you in art, right?" the other asks

"Yeah. He's letting me draw him for the project!!" the first one says excitedly

"What's his last name again? Tomlawson?"

"Tomlinson" the first corrects

Harry then realizes they are, in fact, talking about Louis.

The Louis that he is so incredibly jealous of

"Aiden, I really think you two would be cute together." the second says 

And now Harry recognizes Aiden and the other boy. Aiden Grimshaw. His locker is right by Harry's. And the second is a guy named Luke. Luke is a year older, but he got held back so he's in senior year a second time, instead of getting to graduate. 

"Thanks, Luke. I really like Louis." Aiden sighs 

"Maybe invite him to sit with us at lunch, or maybe invite him to a party?" Luke offers

"Yeah, a party would be cool. Is that Horan boy throwing another party soon?" Aiden asks

"I heard about one, it's like, gonna be this saturday." 

"Cool. Maybe I'll ask Louis if he wants to go with me"

Harry's phone dings and the bathroom goes silent. Now those two knows someone else is in there and it's super awkward.

"Uh.. Let's go" Aiden clears his throat and leads Luke out of the bathroom. When Harry hears the door shut, he lets out the breath he didn't know he was holding and checks the message.

Niall said {Checked the library. Next, the bathrooms. Looking for u, H. U ok?}

So Harry slowly texted back {In bathroom. I'm ok}

And Niall responded with {On my way}

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