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"Did you really just fucking do that?! Louis, you like him! You can't kiss him! You'll only end up hurt" Zayn sighs as he sits Louis down outside

"he kissed me" Louis whispered

"yes! Obviously!"

"He really kissed me.. I didn't think he would but.." Louis was just staring at the ground as he sat wiht his kenes half bent

"Louis.. god, let's just hope you forget this"

"I'm not that drunk, Zayn. It's been an hour since I had a shot" Louis sighed

"So you made that decision half ass sober?!"

Louis didn't say anything

He was happy with the decision... And Zayn was just worried and protective

"How did I end up liking him after years of hating him?" Louis asked the dark night quietly. he wasn't expecting an answer, but Zayn gave him one

"That's how feelings work, Lou.. they're fucked" Zayn sighs and looks down at his friend

"You okay?" he asks quietly

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'll be fine. It was a dumb party game. Everyone has been drinking. Everyone will forget- and who knows? Maybe Harry and I will go back to hating each other"

* * *

"Why're we going to the bathroom? Wait, Why did Zayn take Louis? Did I piss Louis off? Fuck, I'm sorry! He said it was okay" Harry protests and pushes on Niall's hands. 

"Let me go apologize" Harry begs

"No, Harry. They're talking. Come here" Niall sighs

Harry pushes Niall's arms back and takes a step away

"I'm not drunk, Niall! I'm fine! I know what's going on, I can talk, don't treat me like a kid"

"I won't treat you like a kid, H. Just.. Just sit"

"No, I feel like shit! I kissed him- I actually kissed him! And Zayn took him"

"Louis isn't mad, Harry. I'm sure of it."

"Is Zayn?"

"No. Zayn's just... protective. He's like me."

Harry stared at Niall for a second then stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around the blonde's torso

"I hope Lou isn't mad" Harry mumbled into Niall's chest

"He won't be. It was just a kiss"

"It felt good, Ni" Harry finally broke. He felt his chest tighten and the tears started to pool in his eyes

"I know, H, I know" Niall sighed and ran one hand through Harry's hair

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