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Harry sat gently on the all-white bed. It was incredibly soft and fluffy and Harry thought it smelled amazing. Then he realized it was Tomlinson's scent and he turned stiff in the shoulders. 

He thinks Louis smells good. Phenomenal, really. Great. Perfect. Like home.

Home? Yea. Home.

As Harry laid back softly, placing his head on the cotton candy like pillows, he looked over at Louis.

Louis was flipping through records. That's another thing Harry decided he liked about Louis. He had an old record player- and he actually used it.

"Oh! Harry, do you know the song Torn?" Louis gasps and spins around, holding a record

"Yeah, I like the version by Natalie Imbruglia." 

"Awesome" Louis giggles as he puts on the record and turns it up.

Harry stayed lying on the bed, the soft feeling was practically holding him to it, not allowing him to even want to get up. So he sang from his place in Louis Tomlinson's bed. He sang loud and strong and beautifully- in Louis' opinion.

"Harry. You've gotta do, like, the talent show at school or something" Louis mumbled when the song ended and he had to get up and remove the needle from the Vinal.

That's when Harry changed his mind about Louis. 

Besides his sister and mother, no one had ever complimented his voice.. because no one else had ever heard it. Not Niall. Not even his dad- when he was around. 

But now Louis had. And Louis loved it. And that made Harry think completely differently of the blue eyed boy.

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