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The only people who know about Harry's habit is Niall, his mum, his sister, and Marshal.

As soon as Niall was in Harry's room, he popped the big question.

"Did you..?" he asked too quietly, tears threatening to spill from his own eyes as he looked at his broken best friend, sat on his bed, with a big hoodie on.

Harry could only nod. His throat hurt from puking, his eyes hurt from crying, and his chest hurt from guilt. Not to mention, his wrist stung like hell.

"How bad?" Niall asked as he sat next to Harry

"Deep" Harry whispered

"Many?" the blonde asked

The green eyed boy nodded. Niall held his hand out. Harry gently lifted his arm and handed it to Niall.

The blue eyed boy slowly pushed the sleeve of Louis' hoodie up Harry's arm then unwrapped the bandages from Harry's wrist.

The gashes were hard to look at. The blood was sticky and warm and dripping slowly from the deepest cut. There were 8 in total

"Did you clean them, H?" Niall whispered as a couple tears slid down his own face

"Ye-yeah. It's okay"

"It's not okay" Niall shook his head, "These are bad, Harry"

"It's okay" Harry repeated

He wanted it to be okay. He wanted everything to be okay. He felt like if he said  it enough, everything would be okay.

He wished his mistakes would melt nto thin air, evaporate from existance, and everything could go back to normal.

"The bandages need changed again anyways. Let's go to the bathroom, clean up again, and then we can lay down, okay? Come here, honey.." Niall whispered

He gently picked Harry up. He carried the boy quietly into the bathroom and set him on the sink counter.

"Where is your razor?" Niall asked as he got the little first aid kit from the cabinet above the bathroom sink

"In a box, under my bed" Harry whispered in a broken voice that he didn't recognize as his own

"When we're done cleaning, I'm throwing it out. And we're gonna get comfy clothes on. I'll turn on a movie and we can watch it until we fall asleep, okay?" Niall told him

Harry only nodded

* * *

When Harry's wrist was clean and bandaged, Niall took him back into his room and set him on the bed. He got fluffy pj pants and Louis' hoodie and put both fabrics onto Harry before laying him down and covering him up.

"You said it was under the bed?" Niall asked as he kneeled beside the bed, getting to Harry's level


Niall reached under the bed, felt aound on the floor, then pulled out a box the size of his fist.

He popped it open, wanting to make sure he was throwing out everything Harry didn't need, and started to cry again when he looked at everything in it.

A couple bandages and a rag. Two razors. A little baggie with three pills inside. A photo of Harry, Gemma, and Anne.

He set the picture on Harry's nightstand and took the box away. He went downstairs, snuck out the back door, tossed it in the neighbor's garbage- under a couple things so it wouldn't be found- then he went back to Harry's room and got in his bed with him.

"You've got school" harry whispered as he was already half asleep

Niall turned on a movie on the TV and wrapped an arm around Harry

"I'm not leaving you alone until I know you're in a better mindset, H"

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