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Harry walked as fast as he could to find Niall. And where he found him- well, he was shocked.

Niall was being kissed. By Zayn Malik- Louis Tomlinson's best friend. 

When they stopped, Harry awkwardly just kinda coughed and they looked over at him.

"Oh! Harry, this is Zayn... he, uh, he's my boyfriend" Niall smiled

"Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Harry" he stepped a little closer and held out his hand

Zayn gladly took it, greeted Harry warmly, then excused himself to his next class. As soon as he walked away, the blonde turned to Harry and said, "I've got a lot to talk to you about." and Harry nodded and replied with, "Same, Ni. Let's go sit down"

So the two ditched their class and sat in the bathroom, on top of the sink, facing each other. 

"You first" Styles insisted

So Niall took a deep breath and began to talk..

"First off, Zayn has been the one driving me to school. I sit with him in Algebra and he's real sweet to me. And then he asked me out. And he's coming to the party- so you can hang out with him and get to know him, 'cuz, you know, you gotta know him too."

Harry grinned at that. He was glad Niall wanted them all to get along- so Harry wouldn't feel like a third wheel.

"Good, I'm real happy for you, Ni. He seems to fancy you just by the way he kissed you. And I'd love to get to know the guy if he's with you" 

"I know!! His lips are so soft... anyways, Secondly, the party this weekend. You need to look irresistible." 

"...why?" Harry frowned, confused

"Just because! You need to get laid!"

Harry laughed at that. Niall was always very bold with his words- and sort of his actions too

"Your turn" Niall encouraged, wanting to hear what Harry had to say

"Okay.. so.. I kinda just.. I don't know- I've been sad. Sad and just...bleh. Like I get sometimes, ya know?" Harry sighed

Niall nodded because he knows Harry. He knows how he just gets 'bleh' sometimes.

"And- well... honestly, Louis Tomlinson's comment about my curls made me cut my hair but I don't want to talk abt it bc it's fine. I like my hair the way it is now- It's easier to manage... but it also just got me thinking about my image and yeah I don't know.." Harry stutters and pauses a lot but Niall understands Harry almost too well... and Niall knew what Harry was thinking.

"You don't wanna fake the tough smart guy anymore?" Niall asked cautiously

"No.. I wanna just.. Fuck, I didn't even argue with Tomlinson today. Niall, I was polite. I let him use my personal laptop"

Niall's eyes go wide in shock.

Styles. Nice to Tomlinson?

"Wa-was he nice too?" Niall asks, shocked

"He was surprised. I could see it on his face but he just... I don't know... We're working on our assignment in the library at lunch. And he just blurted out, asking if it was his comment that made me cut my hair. Which- yes- but I didn't say anything. He looked...guilty."

Harry rambles a lot.. Especially when he doesn't know exactly how to feel.

"Oh, wow" was all Niall could manage

* * *

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